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    I think the problem is they threw two good comedies into a timeslot with no support. They put them at 8 PM and expected them to self start against The Muppets, The Voice and NCIS.

    At least the positive news is Scream Queens crashed.

    What about The Grand Grinder?

    I'd like to see CSI finally die the death it deserves. So much garbage TV and not even worth hate watching.


    How about a hip hop remake to steal the audience of Empire?

    They were doing a remake last season, or the season before, and it fell apart fast.

    Donald Trump finally did it. He pushed so hard that we've actually fallen back into the 80s.


    It'll probably come back early when Code Black bombs this week.

    I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

    You should copy and paste everything into Paint then email us a picture of it. It'll look better than Disqus.

    I think my favorite part of the season 2+ problems with the show is how much the showrunners hate each other. One guy might want to write a small slice of life story and the other guy wants to write a big farce episode. They split the writer's room in two and don't even talk. They've tried, at different points, to

    Did Pat Robertson finally die?

    They really should have just put that in the retrospective before the show, if they really had to have that scene.

    The writers sat down and rewrote the script to be as obvious as possible what the flash sideways were and people STILL don't understand what they were saying.

    My uncle is one of those people who gets off on being the smartest person in the room. When he rants about the ending, he just shuts everybody down and keeps talking about how stupid it is. When called out on it, he gets mad and switches to another topic, because "I'm tired of being ganged up on for having a simple

    Brain fries sounds like something you'd get at a horror monster burger restaurant.

    Robin Williams has all of my fears rolled into one. Soul crushing depression combined with early Parkinsons and Dementia. Alzheimer's is horrible, there's no doubt about that, but watching your body slowly become foreign to itself, being unable to do anything to stop it. Becoming a prisoner in your own body. Then,