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    Good news, Marvel is probably doing Civil War 2.

    I find this funny. Not the parroting talking points, that's sad. I find it funny to hear a kid using the same talking points as a bitter old man. They're both the same mental age, so I guess it makes sense to have him parrot it.

    This is really just the last movie Hugh Jackman has to do before he's allowed to be the old action star who does movies about people kidnapping his daughter or his bike or his mp3 player or whatever the premise is.

    I wouldn't. I'd keep him in the PC with Pokerus so he can become strong and ESTABLISH HIS DOMINANCE BY BECOMING LORD OF THE PC.

    If he loves Waterworld so much, he should just shed more tears and build his own.

    There's crazy flooding going on in parts of South Carolina right now. If it floods near him, my dad will be pretty safe though. He's got a boat and he can just meet up with the aquatic Mad Max society that will form.

    Why would you do this to me? I just wanted to share a funny thing about envelopes. There's nothing lightweight about this. :(

    I was checking Bing on my brother's phone. By accident, I typed bong instead of bing. Thinking it would redirect or give me a funny website, I hit enter.

    I don't think anybody even cared about Sexy Ironside when it was on TV. The entire legacy of Ironside is it bombed so NBC brought back Community.

    There's a hierarchy with old man TV shows.

    I love how the cop procedural is at Western end days level. Everybody is just throwing shit at the wall because the genre is dying.

    The pilot should be like the Punisher comic where they killed a look alike cast of the Fantastic Four movie.

    I just finished reading through Guardians of the Galaxy 7. Cosmo knocking everybody flat on their ass is a good moment for him.

    It's so weird to go from watching Age of Ultron to Annihilation Conquest. That was great though. It didn't have the same level of conclusion as ripping Annihilus' organs out, but I did love the whole Borg idea of the Phalanx. Oh and Cosmo is a great character.

    It's so weird how we want to murder every Muslim when somebody with any connection to Islam commits a murder, but when somebody of any other religion kills a group of people in cold blood, it's just "I'm not letting Obummer steal my guns."

    *Ends of the Earth begins playing*

    I'm happy knowing the show got to live long enough for everybody to realize it was actually a pretty big thing. Honda made a LOT of money off the deal.

    What does that mean for Hannibal?

    I took so long to update my game with the last patch that the newest patch came out and overwrote it.