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    It really bothers me that Marvel won't let him show up in Guardians of the Galaxy, because of some weird One Earth Person rule or Gunn hating him or whatever the reason was.

    I love how much they shit on Civil War. Even during Annihilation. I love Nova just sitting there going "WE'RE DYING UP HERE AND THEY'RE BEATING EACH OTHER UP."

    I got those last night. I grabbed his Fantastic Four run, Avengers and New Avengers. Just for fun, I got Infinity, Inhumanity and Inhuman. A ton of stuff, so it'll keep me busy for a while, hopefully long enough for Secret Wars to finish.

    Imagine the money that would make for everybody.

    I've got all that downloaded. I spent an hour last weekend arranging everything for perfect reading order. After all that, where does Cosmic Marvel go? I keep reading that it's incredibly hit and miss after Annihilators.

    Fox is never going to use half this shit. I'd love a Kang movie. Just let movie fans have it. Who wouldn't want four versions of Kang beating the shit out of each other in a time war?

    I finally finished reading Annihilation. That's a great story arc. Fox should give Marvel those characters, for phase 4 or something.

    Al Jean is the biggest problem with the show. He's more obsessed with breaking run count records. It's gotten to the point where a lot of the creatives on the show have mocked the fanbase by saying there was never a golden age, it's just typical disgruntled Simpsons fans.

    Principal and the Pauper is at least funny.

    That recent one where Burns' date turns to dust is pretty terrible too.

    3D has gone too far.

    As fun as it is to mock CBS, their treatment of Person of Interest, scheduling aside, is funny to me. NBC wants to keep things episodic and easy to understand, so as not to drive off those idiots in middle America. CBS, from what I can tell, will let you do whatever you want, within limits, as long as you can bring

    I always find it funny when I realize all the big dramas on NBC would be those midseason cancellation dramas on CBS.

    I don't think a critic would use the word gas to describe a story. It's like you don't even know who the Critic is.

    It stinks.


    Somebody should make a movie out of it.


    Once, there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everybody died.