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    Bad news for all of you who loved Scream Queens last night. It got a 1.6.

    Is that a liberal idea? If so, I don't care.

    I just found stunning proof that Donald Trump will never be elected president.

    Funny thing about your comparison at the end. No matter if he's a Ross Perot or a Theodore Roosevelt, the end result is still the same.

    Let's be real here. That chimp out acted Reagan.

    It'll be like the 80s all over again.

    It's scary how funny it is.

    Conservatives be all like "Look at me, I'm a liberal I hate America."

    I saw a comment on another site about this that I found great. Somebody asked "What will happen when he realizes he just created addition?"

    It still is. Which is why it's so weird to see people like my grandfather just casually throw it out there when referring to people.

    I'm ashamed to see an Asgardian stoop so low as to be on an NBC drama.

    Training to be the next Shatner.

    That Makes A Lot Of Sense.

    I Just Love Capitalism So Much That I Can't Stop.

    I've wondered something for a while now. What kind of evil possesses a person To Type Like This All The Time?

    Is this the cousin to the youtube herp derp extension?

    Maybe it's one of those situations where a show has a great pilot, then takes a few episodes to find its voice, then comes back strong.

    What, you want them to spend time on a joke? What the hell is this, a good comedy?