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    Isn't it a tradition though? Every year like two or three shows come out that are decent and everybody, not just the critics, talk about how bad the garbage on TV is. ABC and Fox get lucky. CBS is just CBS. NBC churns out their attempt to talk down to middle America and nobody wants to watch it.

    I know we've already had the fall TV sucks discussion, but:

    It's at least more family friendly than the one I saw.

    Jeb's just trying to one up Mission Accomplished.

    The Bush family is like that episode of The Simpsons about the Simpsons gene.

    I am very surprised that shitty NBC sitcom turned out to be shitty.

    It doesn't have to be a political move. It would be nice for the Republican party to realize, yes, gay people do exist and they do vote for Republican things. Whatever those things happen to be. Of course, Mike Huckabee would show up as his creepy not gay stalker and try to drum him out of the party.

    He probably thinks his Donald Trump insult was so impressive that they put him at the little kid's table to show those losers a real politician.

    This sounds like the start to my FBI Goodfellas script. Featuring Joe Pesci as an FBI agent who still curses a lot, but, in a good guy way.

    The ghost of Ronald Reagan.

    They need to stop being cast in our TV shows as Americans. I CAN TELL YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN.

    Imagine a situation where Donald Trump gets the nomination. He's talking about his plans in November, when the Republican elites throw out the guy they really wanted. Then it devolves into some WWE shit with Donald Trump vs Ben Carson or something.

    He's got enough money to stay in for a while. I want to see him stay in, just to see how the party implodes to stop him. Jeb Bush imploded his already small percentage by trying to go against him with an attack ad.

    That just means he goes third party, creates The Trump Party and this crazy train just picks up some speed.

    I honestly just want to see Donald Trump beat the shit out of Jeb Bush while yelling "HOW CAN YOU DEFEND AGAINST TERRORISTS IF YOU CAN'T DEFEND AGAINST MY FISTS."

    Because you enjoy watching a trainwreck before the train realizes what's happening.

    You just took a little longer to perfect your joke. Your joke is the Bogart version and mine is the original short version that cut out all the good parts of the novel.

    They make good falcon statues too.

    No wonder you got banned from the servers.