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    Of all the time periods to escape to, why would you escape to the one that is well known for being one of the most repressive societies in our history? If you can't handle modern life, what the fuck makes you think Victorian life is somehow going to be easier? Are they going to get bored of this and become Puritans

    I need to go to bed. I misread that as Russian Beatniks and was wondering when dating websites got so narrowly specific.

    Dallas has the best series finale of any show ever made.

    You don't consider Modern Family winning six times in a row as a sign of creativity?

    *Konami makes five million dollars*

    I don't know about you, but I'm excited about Pachinko Gear Solid.

    It doesn't sound any worse than what the Republican party has done to the US these past seven years though. It's still a bunch of immature children screwing over another group.

    I find it funny how the Conservatives were actually in favor of renationalizing British rail, until Tony Blair came into power.

    Isn't society, as a whole, moving more left than right? There's still a lot of dirty politics going on in a lot of countries, but a lot of what used to slide in society is increasingly becoming difficult to get away with. Look at the Republican party as a whole. On the state level, they can swing into office due to

    Why not add it in? Super Mario Advance 4 let you use e-reader cards to add Super Mario 2 and World mechanics to Super Mario Brothers 3. The game is already running on insanity in the first place, have fun with it.

    I'm pretty sure we're getting DLC. There's a 101 costume coming out and there's a lot of room left over for more game themes. There's a lot missing.

    Super Mario Brothers 3 and World have similar aspects to Super Mario Brothers 2. The Goombas in World act similar to most enemies in SMB2. If you tightened up the game's controls with the Mario Maker physics, it would play a lot better.

    I hope they make a Super Mario Brothers 2 DLC pack. I want to make some HUGE vertical levels.

    I used to live near a paper mill. My dad described the smell as if something crawled up somebody's ass, died, then that person died. And it's still not accurate enough.

    He'll be posting comments about how he was allowed to film a segment in Dan Harmon's home movies, but he gets cut.

    That wonderful time period when you only needed a slap bass, an electric guitar and steel drums to make 90% of cartoon theme songs.

    I fell down a rabbit hole of listening to animated theme song instrumentals. I think Darkwing Duck is at least a top ten instrumental.

    They probably just put it on his tab.

    Somebody edit that video so it's 2015 fat Orson Welles Dan Harmon, instead of whoever that faker is.

    Those two were already known, so I can't imagine their paychecks would have gotten bigger as they went on.