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    I love the way children's TV works sometimes. For some reason, an executive decided Eddie Redmayne should voice a talking steam engine on Thomas the Tank Engine. You know, most likely because he was cheap. Then, he hit it big with The Theory of Everything and likely just became too expensive for them.

    Make the poster reflect off the cat's eyes.

    Chevy Chase got blacklisted to Swedish CBS.

    This is such a poor fate for the celebrated actor from Cops and Robbersons.

    Chevy's career after like 1987 is probably the longest celebrity pratfall ever.

    I love that Chevy's career got to a point where he'd film something and it wasn't even worth releasing in the US. I always wonder how that stuff played out.

    That and getting struck by massive amounts of electricity during some stupid daydream scene. I bet it was the cocaine. Natural lightning rod.

    Oh yeah, this is the movie where Chevy Chase almost died.

    Chevy Chase's best role was when he sang for Paul Simon. You can't be obnoxious if you're Paul Simon.

    Is that the prequel to Karate Dog?

    You can't forget about the five fabulous weeks of The Chevy Chase Show.

    This is a song.
    It is very good.
    It does not rhyme, as rhymes are for lesser men.
    *saxophone solo*
    Goodnight, do not ask for an encore.

    I'm going to need proof of that. I've been lied to by ghosts before.

    I predict the episode titles will use death as many times as possible. Episode 2 will be called Death of a Salesman and then the writers will freak out at thinking they peaked in creativity. Then the show gets cancelled like a week later and we get headlines like "NBC's newest show fails to knock them dead."

    He writes himself off the episode, rather than be in an episode of CSI Cyber. The rest of the episode is spent with the cast wondering if somebody can actually leave CSI like that.

    I did an English paper on Robocop. It was a project based on any story in entertainment. Everybody in class turned in a paper about Shakespeare, it was the last thing we read, and my teacher let me get away with Robocop, since she was only there for a semester. Community college is fun.

    Is it just me, or is Mike Huckabee slowly morphing into Richard Nixon?

    Since Dan Harmon spent so long talking about and wanting a Parks & Recreation/Community crossover, I had an interesting thought. On Parks & Recreation, Jonathan Banks was Ben Wyatt's father. On Community, Hickey mentioned having another son, but he doesn't really understand that one so well. It's likely just a

    One of my favorite Sam and Al scenes on Quantum Leap is probably one of my favorite actor related jokes. Sam is supposed to meet his ex-wife and patch things up, but he keeps going back and forth on it.

    They should have done some kind of road trip movie with Audrey and Katharine driving cross country together. You know executives would have loved the marketing behind THE MOVIE WITH TOO MANY HEPBURNS and it would have been fun to see their contrasting acting styles.