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    Humphrey Bogart. He's got that quality of acting Alec Baldwin really has today. You're watching a movie, enjoying it, then slowly, he draws your attention away. By the end, you realize you don't care what the movie was about, but you'd love to just see him keep talking.

    Queeg feels like a good example of why we need to keep mental health as important to the country as physical health. The prosecutor keeps asking people if Queeg was raving and violent, which nobody says he was. Everybody acting like there's only one type of mental illness is a really annoying part of the movie.

    The scene right before Katharine Hepburn throws the booze overboard makes me wonder if he was actually drunk or not. It's one of those fake drunk impressions that just sounds like he was drunk as hell.

    I've just spent the last week watching all the big Humphrey Bogart movies. He gets really weird near the end of his career, like when he goes straight up insane over gold in The Treasure of Sierra Madre. It's pretty amazing.

    They really should have extended the length of time. There's no reason Jonathan Banks can't be on this list for Wiseguy too.

    I love that Lost is on the same level of Melrose Place. Was 90210 not good enough or something?

    I think part of my problem with Lost is putting Twin Peaks so high up. Yeah, Twin Peaks is a masterpiece that influenced TV, movies, video games and still does to this day. Because of Twin Peaks, we got the modern Zelda series. We owe a lot to Twin Peaks. But, a lot of people hate most of season 2 and it's weird

    Hopefully it's not an Arrested Development season 4 situation. England got it on time and the US release got randomly pushed back six months because Fox.

    They ignored every single note Kevin wrote.

    I hope this works out for the best. I saw a lot of the notes Kevin Feige gave for Amazing Spider-Man 2. As long as those are the kind of notes given, the movies will turn out well.

    It is funny that you bring up Star Trek. I assume you picked it for that reason, but I do love how modern fanfiction has its roots in Spock/Kirk fanfiction. Which the writers were more than happy to wink at every now and then.

    We should all go back to how it was in the 50s. When they made an episode of I Love Lucy, nobody made fan theories for it. THEY GOT THEIR EPISODES AND THEY ENJOYED IT.

    Sonic 2006 should teach Sonic Boom how to retcon itself out of existence. What a good older brother.

    He looks like the most frustrating Sonic boss ever.

    I just realized it was only a few weeks ago that the NBC president was threatening to revive Alf if Coach took off.

    Jim Rash broke the show. He cursed and everybody else didn't want to top that, so they just kept it low key. Way to go Jim.

    Does this mean Netflix will have enough comedies to build a block of binge watching?

    I lost a lot of respect for Chuck Norris when I realized he was a really whiny conservative. That shit about "voting for Obama will bring a thousand years of misery" or whatever was so immature. So, my respect was like negative ten and I healed him.

    NCIS New Orleans used the same song in their season finale. I thought it was an excellent use of how a show like Community uses songs. Dan Harmon is a fan of the band, going by his twitter account. The use of the song in the finale works as him throwing in a small personal touch. The use of it on NCIS just comes

    That set looks so much like the Anthropology set. Did Chuck Norris write PENIS and underline it five times?