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    I actually find it hilarious that season six featured an alcoholic main character and didn't at all try to change him. There wasn't some NBC mandated Very Special Episode. It would be like if Friends had given Chandler all of Matthew Perry's real life baggage.

    I was always confused about the Jeff teacher stuff. Yes, Community is a show about students in a community college. But, I don't remember much in the way of teaching. Chang in season 1 was mostly just "And that's it for today, read chapter 3." or "YES, I WAS ROBBED AT THE Y, AGAIN." Or, the entire season 2 arc

    I've never seen a cat give a Jeff speech before. Now this is a cat who knows how to talk to people.

    Sequel wise, they're both terrible. But, at least Speed only got one sequel, while Die Hard continued to get so many sequels until the original premise, a deconstruction of the action genre, was watered down until the last one was just another action movie.

    The whole DOOM SHOWS UP FOR 15 MINUTES is such a great example of a studio hack job. In the original version, the movie just kind of ends. The executives freaked out over the idea of a superhero movie without a big action scene, so that's why Doom is randomly thrown in with no regard to anything.

    As I understand it, Fantastic Four turning out the way it did is the result of a situation where nobody comes out looking good. Fox and Trank agreed on a script and a version of the movie. Right before production, they apparently killed a bunch of set pieces. Trank pissed off the studio by pushing for Miles Teller,

    I still love how Fantastic Four probably won't even match Chronicle's numbers.

    It's worth noting that it might have actually gone past the 70% mark, but everybody is trying to avoid being the one to actually announce that drop.

    Squidbo: First Ink

    The Good, The Bad & The Squidly

    Joel's season 2 hair is hilarious.

    Let's get dangerous *flies into oncoming TIE Fighter squadron*

    The Thing's about to clobber this guitar solo.

    It's actually been a very lively conversation, it's just that everybody used invisible text.

    Straight Outta Compton made almost as much last night as Fantastic Four made in its entire opening weekend.

    Just use the monkey typewriter theory. If you quote enough stuff, eventually somebody will understand your joke, or run you out of town. It's pretty good gambling odds to me.


    Everything's always been sequels and reboots. We just need to go back to the 40s way of doing it. Pick an old movie, vaguely rename it, slap new actors in it, then pretend the old one didn't exist.

    Too mean.

    The sequel will be called How To Flip A House Without Really Trying.