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    Some theaters have it sold out for the next two weeks. I have no idea how often that happens for a movie.

    I love how Jim Belushi did an almost identical movie to Turner & Hooch, which made everybody realize Tom Hanks was such a good actor that he made Turner & Hooch actually half decent.

    I liked Down and Out in Beverly Hills. I saw it like a week or so ago. It's so 80s, in a good way. At least in that, he's supposed to look pretty rough. I have no idea why he's so rough looking in The Incredible Hulk. It looks like he just wandered onto set looking for a can of beans.

    Fantastic Four might only make two million dollars tonight. 2003 Hulk won't have any records at this point. :(

    Make a bunch of accounts and rotate which account you use.

    Straight Outta Compton made just under five million dollars last night. It's going to steamroll everything this weekend.

    At the end of the musical, Alf sits alone, as the set falls apart, whispering "the horror, the horror" as he gets cancelled.

    Maybe a reboot of Alf can become the most accurate metaphor of Greenblatt era NBC, if they stick to that level. It could be 2016's Heart of Darkness. Alf of Darkness.

    I don't know why you guys are so upset. Greenblatt era NBC is like a train that crashed right out of the station, but keeps chugging along because nobody told them it derailed. Just let them do their thing. It's beautiful in a way. Like chaotic poetry.

    I don't know, if done right, it could be amazing.

    Hey, be nice. The visionary behind Smash knows a thing or two about creativity.

    In Lost's defense, they managed to build naturally to that ending. The good vs evil was always part of the show and it wasn't like they got to season 6 and went "EVERYTHING WAS A DREAM FOR HURLEY." How I Met Your Mother tried to connect the series back to that season 2 point and shattered the show's spine in doing

    At least Community got a great finale. I always remember that so I forget about How I Met Your Mother.

    The point where Barney goes from that gross guy to this celebrated womanizer is where the stupid choices tend to begin. After that moment, everybody starts trying to become Barney, then you get the final three seasons and it's just a mess.

    I still have no idea what the entire point of the final season was. It meant nothing, worse than nothing, and it was already bad before the finale. Why spend so long on this wedding if you were going to divorce them over the stupidest thing ever?

    August 12th, 2015
    Ant-Man: $990,758
    Fantastic Four: $1,665,804

    There will be as many seasons as Netflix wants. So, like eight or something.

    Is it a wrestling show? Does Tina Fey get to body slam Alec Baldwin for control of NBC?

    Agents of B.R.O.