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    Whenever Marvel gets the Fantastic Four back, they should make the post credit sequence be all the Reeds (1994, 2005 and 2015) in a Council of Reeds meeting.

    There's good news on that front. With the way it's worded, Hickey appears to RUN a memorial service company. The Dean puts the rest of his emails in lowercase, even the one about The Mindy Project, except for the single one talking about Hickey.

    I wish NBC had just given Community 22 episode seasons like 30 Rock and Parks. There's no reason half that other shit deserved it. And we might have gotten some better stuff. I know Hickey and Abed were going to make a movie together. Why couldn't we have had that?

    I'm surprised NBC let them air this one. It's almost longer than the time slot.

    That's why I hate the musical chairs the last three seasons of the show. Community was always a stand alone show that used those stand alone pieces to build up its serialized aspect. NBC kept cutting episodes and we never got much beyond that. Most shows write 113 as a miniseries finale, in case of the worst.

    I'll keep talking about Community until NBC makes a show as good as it.

    She's in suspended animation with the rest of the female teachers at Greendale.

    Rich is the villain of the movie.

    In the back half of the season, Jeff is able to see into the future and tell Leonard about his son from that family day episode.

    I can only assume schedules handicapped the season. For all the talk about Dan Harmon figuring out a way to bring back Rich, there was a shocking amount of nonRich appearances. The alumni dance was pretty empty for the purpose of the dance.

    Your description of every season's three high points was extremely well
    written. You see guys, this is a man who knows how to write a comment.

    It still counts. Superman could use Thor's hammer.

    I call it the William Henry Harrison Club.

    I think we'd have to include Hank's brain too. Dude makes science work on the level of magic, to the point that Eternity recognized him as the Scientist Supreme.

    I really love 201-211, like you mentioned. Season 1's Christmas episode through to The Science of Illusion was a really fun collection of episodes, then the last three episodes of the season. My favorite part of season 5 is everything from Repilot through to Bondage & Beta Male. I really love the final four

    Are we including the Phoenix Force in this? That shit blew up a solar system.

    I'd replace Captain America's shield with Vibranium. If not, I think it would be a tie between the shield and Wolverine's claws. I can't remember those claws being broken.

    PBS is the true hero of the Marvel universe.

    Infinity Gauntlet
    1) You can kill half the universe
    2) Infinity Gauntlet powered Thanos can destroy Captain America's shield like it was nothing.
    3) It can turn Nova into Legos.
    4) Thanos broke Wolverine

    And the Cosmic Cube. That was like 70s Infinity Gauntlet.