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    I had a thought about Community. Let's assume season six was it. There's no more episodes, seasons, no miniseries. Just a movie left. Community had a better ending than most shows could dream of. The show didn't end because ratings declined to a point that it was no longer worth it. Season 6 was, most likely,

    Fox made sure Josh Trank took the blame for this one. Everybody else can wash their hands of it, his career is the only one that's dead.

    If you want to do a body horror Marvel movie, do Man-Thing, The Inhumans, anything else. I don't get why you'd want to betray the spirit of the original. But, I guess that's why Fox gets paid the big money.

    It's too bad Marvel doesn't like to reuse people from previous movies. JK Simmons is the only pre MCU actor with a slight possibility to return to the role. Just keep 2005 Thing and build a cast around that.

    The 1994 one has a budget of like $8 and still manages to be more accurate to the comics than anything else. The runner up is the 2005 one. I still think that's the best version of The Thing in movies.

    That was a roller coaster of emotions. I laughed, I chuckled, I cried, I got a canister of sperm.

    I see Microsoft is taking that Fox advertisement class.

    I thought you'd like this too:

    It always came across as a harder sell, so it not being a smash hit keeps it in a separate category. Meanwhile, Terminator is in a position similar to Fantastic Four. It's literally only been made to keep the rights away from James Cameron.

    Adam Sandler and Kevin James fight _____.
    a) Kangaroos
    b) Video games
    c) Classic art

    And ALL of Sony's future movies. I can't wait for :P and :D to fight in that emoticon movie or whatever it was. Though, I'm more of a :) fan.

    Nothing like this. This summer, this was special. It was already special with the Terminator/Adam Sandler two hit flop, then this was just the cherry on top.

    In a month or two, when Fantastic Four has long since passed on and moves to that gated community with the other punchline comic book movies, I'll miss this. The three hit combo of Terminator, Pixels and Fantastic Four made this summer so fun. What movies will we mock for being awful and watch as they flop?

    It's Fox. It's not like the X-Men show is going to be a hit. Look at how fast Gotham dropped off. Might as well let them screw it up.

    I'm surprised that anybody would actually pirate Pixels.

    It's probably a generic survey with some free response at the bottom. They were giving these out at Amazing Spider-Man 2 also, so it's in good company at least.

    Fox announces Toxic Avengers Cinematic Universe.

    You put more thought into this than most Hollywood executives. Especially Sony executives.

    Will The Rock play The Thing?