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    Fox is passing out surveys at the Fantastic Four screenings, asking people what they should do with the franchise.

    Amusingly, that's why they had to veto the X-Men/Fantastic Four crossover. Due to the way the deal is set up, if Fox were to cross the two over, likely to cling to the Fantastic Four rights, Marvel could sue them for breach of contract and regain all the Fox Marvel rights.

    5ta5tic 5our.

    International is going to be amazing. Ant-Man took its China slot and Europe doesn't care much about the Fantastic Four.

    This has been a great summer for movies if you hated Terminator, Pixels and the new Fantastic Four.

    I misread Great as Donald Trump suggesting he make America 2.

    It's next to impossible to happen, but Adam Sandler had The Cobbler, so who knows what happens. All I know is, Fantastic Four isn't opening in China. So, they just lost a LOT of international money.

    All three of them should be in a tournament. It's like a spelling bee, but they all have to give a speech about why they deserve the award most. Then, Peter steals it because it's named after him.

    Slamtastic Four takes another victim.

    I still love how they're promoting the movie using this big set piece scene that's not even in the movie. Fox cut two big set pieces from the movie. After that, I figure Trank just gave up and waited for his paychecks.

    Fantastic Four might open below Green Hornet.

    He might be smarter than one of us, but all of us know more trivia than him.

    I think you made a mistake. That's the Wilford Brimley cat with a bad hair day.

    Performance art. He's talking the exact way most of those candidates think. He's just not hiding it behind dogwhistles, so obviously he's a big bully.

    It'll be a small scene where four X-Men split off and go fight somebody.

    It's so immersive. It actually feels like I'm being stabbed.

    I want to play this game, but I don't have the money for it. The sequel's due out in like 20 years right? I think I have time.

    A good adaptation, at least in my opinion, should be able to build off the source material while being accurate to it. Days of Future Past wasn't a 1:1 copy of the story, but it was so well received because it built off the story and took it in a fun way while playing to the strengths of the original.

    It's not all bad news.

    Is that the fastest spin off in history?