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    Torrent it and then delete the file afterwards, since you might as well waste your time somehow.

    It's either damage control, related to how Yahoo has been trying to work out a deal with a potential mini series. Like four or five one hour ish episodes that could bring back various people over the years.

    I love how the final moment of Community is Dan Harmon trying not to cry while telling the fans he loves them.

    Mathew Buck @FB_BMB
    "It's clobbering time" is something Ben Grimm's abusive brother used to say before he slapped him about. Comic book fans will love that.


    They rewrote it when they had a huge backlash over it. It's too bad. It could have been incredible.

    My favorite review is still the guy who saw an early screening and said Doom makes the villain of Thor 2 seem well written.

    What, God work with that socialist?

    This is quickly shaping up to be the second part of the Pixel double feature of movies nobody wanted.

    I assume hell outsources clocks up to heaven to power their air condition.

    I assume Fox is going to use twitter reviews for the trailers.

    If you lie 24 times, does it loop back around to no lies?

    Give God a break. He built heaven before they had air condition.

    Obama has always lied, even before he was born. Don't you know about how lies work?

    Fox originally had it Thursday, but moved it up because of the response they got. This movie is such a wonderful trainwreck.

    He seems open to it. There was an interview recently where he just sort of brought up the movie out of nowhere.

    I'll assume that somebody at Disney remembers the late 80s animation kick start happened because they put a lot of money into animation, so they're trying to repeat it.

    Marvel did just make a full movie throwback to Three Days of the Condor last year.