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    You're welcome.

    The actors should just be more open. Jurassic World as garbage, but it made a billion dollars. Just have the actor sit there and go "Look, Fantastic Four was shit, alright? Can I get my money now?"

    I assume it's the same reason we still have shows like The Tonight Show. Tradition is good and not having tradition is scary, how will we promote stuff without these tours?

    I don't understand how Fox keeps screwing this up. The Fantastic Four are one of the easiest Marvel groups to adapt.

    I assume Fox is looking at Terminator and going "See, big movies suck guys. Believe us."

    It's all about the Slamtastic Four.

    I'd love to see Professor Layton in Smash Brothers. His final smash would be a finger point that works like a POW block.

    They should have just said "I mean, it's not like we're making Pixels, so we have that going for us, right?"

    Missile could be a Duck Hunt reskin, like the Koopalings.

    Capcom just lets them exist. They don't flop and they're not high selling enough to toy with. They're fairly hands off with them. The problem, of course, is they won't release half of them in the US.

    I want another Ghost Trick. Even if it's literally just to look at how good those sprites were.

    Make sure you only listen to his half of the soundtrack.

    Konami is trash, through and through.

    He already is. Inafune made a good franchise, Mega Man, but he ruined Capcom. He sent all their franchises out to third party companies, because he LOVES western developers. He has gone on and on about how much Japan developers suck and how they can't compete with glorious Western developers. He gutted Flagship

    One thing I really like about Sony and Nintendo has been their willingness to give smaller developers a chance to build a franchise. They hand out free devkits to developers. A lot of indie games sell incredibly well on Nintendo systems.

    The Virtual Boy's legacy was the 3DS, so it at least had SOMETHING going for it.

    IMDB posted a bunch of viewer impressions. I have no idea how reliable they are, but here's one circling around.

    That's what I love most about Japanese gaming in the 80s.