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    The new Fantastic Four movie sounds amazing. Like the most perfect trainwreck. Doom is apparently worse than the most hated MCU villain.

    The Adventure of Link would be more enjoyable if it had better save places. It's so randomly 80s brutal hard in a way that it doesn't have to be. More sequels should have been Super Mario Brothers 2 US, instead of Super Mario Brothers 2 JP and Final Fantasy 2.

    I already mentioned the Cape Fear marathon previously, so there's that. I saw Inside Out. I was not prepared for Richard Kind making me cry. I also finished up the rest of the Ant-Man comics from Tales To Astonish. After that, I watched Michael Douglas attempt to kill his wife, because it's a Michael Douglas

    These were the bad times.

    I think he's talking to you.

    Watching the original Cape Fear, then the remake, then the Simpsons parody is a fun and weird viewing marathon.

    I'm uncomfortable about how weird Kirby is acting.

    For everything else, there's MasterCard.

    Welcome to Sweden got cancelled.

    We only had two coaches for PE. The others were given whatever they could get. One taught American History and the other taught Economics/US Government. The thing is, both of those teachers actually had degrees in those fields.

    The worst part of losing Iwata is that he was responsible for that. The previous president burned bridges with Nintendo. Iwata is the reason Square even came back and stuck around. The Dragon Quest 3DS/PS4/NX deal is likely because of him too.

    Sony is trying, very admirably, to make up for last generation. The reason Japan is failing is because the PS3 was so impossible to develop for, it accidentally started a chain reaction that killed so many developers. Nintendo hooked a lot of people with the 3DS. If Sony and Nintendo could work together and realize

    This is why I hope the NX hits it big. The idea of it seems to be a console/handheld system. Like, imagine if the 3DS and the Wii U were both named the same. You could put all the big heavy hitters on the handheld in Japan, since the Vita is likely the last Sony handheld, then you could port all those heavy hitters

    Square-Enix is working off this weird logic that they can revive Japanese console gaming if they keep pushing stuff on the PS4. Let's hope it works, because I don't want to see Japan fall into the sea of mobile.

    ABC almost gave Chevy a TV show, hoping to bank off any momentum from the reboot. They dropped the show, thankfully, because Chevy was, apparently, slurring his line deliveries.

    He came to the school to be a coach. Obviously, you need to teach, so they gave him the subjects he had no idea how to teach.

    I had a computer teacher who didn't know how to use a computer.

    But I need that toilet, so visitors have a place to sit.

    I've been reading a bunch of the Tales to Astonish comics with Hank's origins. I love his character. Every single story with him has some final act twist where he knew the villain was going to betray him, so he secretly fell into their trap, to spring his own trap.