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    Every time I see that Fantastic Four trailer, I laugh at the tank just exploding into nothing. Movie is going to be so hilarious.

    It was pretty good. I saw Ant-Man last weekend as an early birthday present/late birthday present for my brother, then I'll see Inside Out tonight as a late birthday present. And I got a month of Marvel Unlimited.

    Not on the rug, please. Use the toilet.

    You can go pee now.

    He'll fight you on that.

    And you just believed them? You just believed a bunch of ghosts?

    Considering his love of Iron Man, Dan's just hoping to reverse psychology Marvel enough to let him star in Iron Man 4.

    I guess his plans to retrieve the infinity gondolas is too good for Marvel.

    Was there anything about Thomas returning in Civil War?

    My grandmother owns that.

    I cheated, since I used a comment that Spongy made like two years ago. The randomness of it always makes me laugh.

    I learned something cool today. Iwata worked on the Dragon Quest 1 localization all those years ago. It makes me wonder if he's the reason we've even gotten other games in the series, since Square-Enix has apparently given up on Dragon Quest fans in the US.

    I ate an ice cream sandwich on the toilet today.

    There's something so wrong about how Chang's reaction is just "cool" after Britta yells that in front of everybody.

    I'm farting right now.

    It's one of my favorite underrated episodes.

    Her Side A attack is turning it into a snake.

    I love the original PlayStation 1 controller. Sony sat down with their Nintendo Playstation prototype and said "How can we use the SNES controller without using it and without deviating from it?"

    My only problem with him was the shuttering of western studios after like 2007 or so. He's just one of those guys you could spend weeks and keep finding out how cool he was. I hope Nintendo takes his message to heart. There's no Smash Brothers without Sakurai.

    What I love about the Nintendo Directs was how authentic he was. He wasn't just some bean counter who put on a fake persona. He worked hard to shift Nintendo away from its conservative environment in the 90s. He cared about everybody at Nintendo and he loved making the fans happy. Just seeing the stockpile of