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    Thanks to Iwata, we got Smash Brothers on time and fully debugged in two weeks.

    I always felt the Gamecube was one of Nintendo's best periods. It's like a two way tie between SNES and Wii U, then Gamecube, Wii and a tie between N64 and NES. A lot of the stuff about how the Gamecube wasn't amazingly polished tends to still be because of Super Mario Sunshine.

    Sales wise, anything that wasn't the PS2 got crushed that generation. The Gamecube generation had a lot of the early seeds for the Wii generation, a lot of Nintendo toying with motion control and dual screen material. Iwata bet almost everything on motion control and it was one of his best calls.

    Reggie had one of the best introductions you could give, but Iwata was up there too.

    He was sent over to rebuild Hal Laboratory after they almost went bankrupt. By the time he left, they were back to profitability and were a strong asset to Nintendo.

    I misread that as Community and thought I missed a really important episode.

    But I wanted those delicious mashed potato cones.

    I only wish companies like Square-Enix would show the 3DS that love. It's a market leader and I was promised Final Fantasy 5 and 6 remakes.

    It still amazes me how little the Vita sells, but how everybody puts their games on the system because of the almost fanatical Japanese market.

    They should make a sequel to Quiz Show where Alex Trebek is the bad guy.

    My favorite part of an Adam Sandler movie is when I remember he won't ever make another good movie.

    There was a wasp trapped on our screened in balcony. The office told us it would take at least two days to get somebody to come kill it. We noticed it was starting to make a nest, so my brother went outside and punched the wasp. It's dead now.

    Cosmic Ballet of Crazy would be a good documentary of religious actors in Hollywood.

    I told you he was going to go back to being the worst Baldwin. It's like clockwork, which I assume is a Christian theme that will be in the next Baldwin Christian Brothers movie, or whatever his production company is called.

    At least you didn't bet everything on the 3DO, or the Jaguar, or the Wonderswan, or the Wonderswan Color, or the N-Gage.

    I always love that the Billy West Nixon voice goes back to his childhood. He was watching the Nixon/Kennedy debates as a kid and was terrified at Nixon. He just kept looking sicker and sicker as the debate goes on. He yells to his mom MOM THERE'S A SCARY MAN ON TV, I THINK HE'S TURNING INTO A WOLF AROOOOOOOOOOO.

    I'm surprised he can't do Kang and Kodos better. He's already got the same disregard for human life.

    They didn't cut it off fast enough. He's looking at the cue cards.

    I still want some variation of the original Las Vegas/Rain Man parody. The thought of seeing all the different cast members interacting together in a big environment like that is fun. Elroy at the Craps table, Duncan winning the jackpot and going right to the bar for the rest of the movie, it's what I'd love to see,