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    To be fair, F-Zero fails to sell. Nintendo put everything behind the Gamecube title and it couldn't even clear a million units.

    This is Nintendo though. When they talk like this, it's really code for "We have a game in production, but we aren't allowed to mention it."

    I can't wait to see how long it takes for somebody to make Champion's Road in 2D, but 11 times harder.

    I always appreciate those rare moments where he waits to delete all his tweets, so I can remember the last ten normal minutes Donald had.

    The Community reddit is, usually, really progressive. Then there's randomly that guy and nobody is against him.

    I know what you meant by it. Dan has always been really open about his views. The "that's racist" scene from early season 1 was one he talks about the most. He got to grow up with the show and it's something that makes Community stand above its peers. Very few are willing to actually talk about issues like this in

    I always liked how the show resisted making the dean into just some gay joke. The show has had moments where it dips into low hanging fruit territory, but it never went the CBS route of terrible jokes.

    In being open with how uncomfortable you are about discussing these issues, it allows you to actually become comfortable about it. It would be difficult to have later characters like Frankie or Elroy if Dan was some Chuck Lorre creative when dealing with race or sexuality.

    I thought this was a review for Shit My Dad Says all this time. Somebody should have corrected me.

    The first comment I saw about this a while back was somebody asking "Which one of them is gay?"

    I'm looking forward to how fast it takes somebody to build a Rube Goldberg machine in between Kaizo levels.

    I'd worry about your backlog of Wii U games in 2016. Just looking at physical games alone would be costly.

    I'm sure they totally could. If they could translate Ryu so well to the series, then the reverse is likely to be true.. I'd love to see a Nintendo vs Capcom with the visual style of Marvel vs Capcom 2. That would be the game of forever for me.

    Super Mario Maker is going to be the most insane game this year.

    Is John Oliver still wasting his time by doing Smurf movies?

    With the release of Ryu in Smash Brothers, somebody calculated all the video game characters Ryu has fought. It's well over 300 characters at this point.

    Endless World of Yoshi from Super Mario Advance 3 is the most difficult level in a Mario game outside of Galaxy 2 and 3D World's final levels.

    Nintendo has mentioned they are looking into Metroid for 3DS and Wii U. I imagine that will be shown at some point.

    Actually, that was Pre-E3. That was one of their smaller titles that would have been space filler at E3 in previous years.

    One thing I've been thinking about with the finale is especially Jeff's story. I'd hope any future seasons or movies could expand on it, but, as of right now, I really love the story and its ending. It's a really bittersweet and optimistic ending. One part of it that I really like is the way it seems to make Jeff,