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    One of the reasons I wish season 5 had aired on Yahoo is the running time. From what they've mentioned in commentaries and interviews, I think this episode was drastically cut down to air on TV. I think the original cut actually gave Shirley a lot more to do. This kind of episode could have easily filled the 30

    I had a thought today. In the episode where Garrett got married, if you had to replace Elroy's reaction with somebody else, would anybody work? I think Duncan would have been funny, considering he praised Bloodlines of Conquest for REALLY getting the incest right.

    No, not watching porn. People buy it to interact with the porn. There was some topic on a website a few months ago about how somebody made a game where you can sexually abuse women.

    Worlds within worlds.

    Funny thing about that episode, long term, it didn't do anything to help the ratings.

    They're content to just ride out the gravy train while being as boring as possible and have obnoxious episode titles.

    It's like every episode has the writers trying to come up with a moment worse than Homer getting raped by a panda.

    This is Conan's pitch for the series finale, or something along those lines.

    I assume most of it is on Al Jean. It's like last year where he kept hyping up that an important character would die, then it turns out to be Krusty's dad.

    I'd like to thank Greenbarge for being so bad at running NBC that, in between toying with fan emotions and hiatuses and episode order cuts, Community was able to last long enough to get to this episode title.

    Hopefully it does bad enough to kill the sequel.

    Hannibal's rating still makes it higher rated than American Odyssey and ties certain episodes of Marry Me and State of Affairs.

    I love that they did their interview on Fox News, probably the only place that could make them look good, and it STILL was the worst thing for them to do.

    I wonder what Mike Huckabee would have done if the Duggar kid killed somebody. Would he walk up on stage and go "Look, we've all killed a man once or twice." or would it be more surreal?

    The father was in politics for a while, so that's his connection to Mike Huckabee too. He hid his son's molesting because he was running for office. They care more about their image than their children.

    I think the best part of the interview is this screencap

    Invasive creatures are well known for going into an ecosystem that can't support them and breeding beyond what is normal for a group.

    The mom once fired a crew member for finding out he was gay. They also believe incest should be punishable by death.