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    Gay people will molest your kids if you don't stop them.

    In English, please. I don't have time for all this science nerd talk.

    So, it turns out, if you ever want to molest children and get away with it, just be a British politician or a Duggar and nobody will ever stop you.

    I've seen people put the Scrubs season 8 finale on NBC finale lists. I think people consider a show a certain network show, even if it didn't finish its run on that network.

    Jeff is pretty desperate to stay in touch with Annie.

    Unless you're a show like How I Met Your Mother and miss the landing in such a way that people seem to revisit their opinion of the entire show.

    I always wonder what people mean when they talk about legacy with comedies. Seinfeld flopped on its finale, and most of its later seasons, but it's still considered one of the top five comedies of all time. The Simpsons has had more bad episodes than good at this point, nearing two decades worth, but it usually

    I still stand by my rankings and have no regrets. Especially after the finale.

    But, Up All Night season 3 would have been wonderful.

    And so on.

    No season 3 Dictator Chang or season 5 Subway Chang in this episode helped a lot.

    I assumed season seven was impossible. Last year, I read that everybody got contract upgrades in a seventh season.

    Community: Season 6, Episode 13
    Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television (2 Jun. 2015)
    Ratings: 9.9/10 from 315 users

    The end tag of the season 5 finale is one of the boldest things. I love it, because it's always going to be right about NBC.

    He's clearly leaving to set up the early moments of the movie. With all the money he will make from working at LinkedIn, he can fund whatever crazy adventure the group will go on in the movie.

    Now we wait for the articles that will try to rank all the NBC comedy finales. That should be fun.

    I love how this has a similar idea to the Friends finale, but done in a way that makes sense. A group of friends who know each other for ten years aren't going to move away and that's it. But, a group of people who become friends due to a college study group, that's a lot more realistic to see them growing and

    It's not gay, the frozen yogurt place closes in seven minutes.

    The finale was The American President of Michael Douglas movies.

    You're supposed to fart on the fourth one.