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    There's the title.

    In England, they can't call it Glee anymore. So, we have to come up with a name for foreign markets.

    Let's check the ratings charts, for fun.

    I was kind of hoping for Gl33. Or an origins story. G1ee.

    This is the last time anybody will ever say regionals. I mean, until Glee 2.0, More Glee.

    I think Dan Harmon is the best person to give the Glee eulogy.

    I'm still surprised they did a school shooting episode and resisted using Hit Me With Your Best Shot.

    I'd be just as shocked if you told me Community would out rate Glee on several episodes.

    It's still unfortunate that Kevin Biegel had to drop his Community writer position and go back to finish up Cougar Town, among other shows.

    It's weird how Cougar Town and Glee are ending around the same time as Community's return. Those two shows especially, for varying levels of fondness, influenced a lot of Community's early identity.

    That's the problem. It should have just been an episode. But, considering how irrelevant Dan Quayle was, he boosted those episodes far beyond what they should have been. But, he had to butt in on the stage and look like an idiot.

    My biggest fear with 30 Rock is a lot of the jokes will end up very much in that Murphy Brown area. The area of comedy where you have to be more in touch with pop culture to understand half the jokes that were topical at the time.

    Any show that can cause a vice president to meltdown on the political stage is alright in my book.

    I was going to stop at 3, since I heard Apollo Justice was hit and miss. But, since I will eventually get Ace Attorney 5, I figured I should play that one. I really like the music, but the prosecutor kind of annoys me. I don't get how he can be a successful lawyer and rock star either.

    I'll just break it down into categories, since I'm not good at picking.

    Save that for the sequel, so you can build up to it organically.

    I'd like to see Romeo and Juliet during the Crusades.

    If doctors are so good, how come there are millions of them?

    The doctor says it's a medical condition.