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    It should be a short film that plays before the aging Lancelot movie.

    Old Lancelot is a cool idea. His adultery was such a violence force that led to King Arthur being betrayed by Mordred. I imagine this version will star Liam Neeson as Lancelot, trying to hunt down all of Mordred's henchmen, before somehow running down Mordred with a car.

    I had to watch a clip of Two and a Half Men for a counseling class.

    What's my name on Twitter?

    What shows really are? I like the entire season at once, but it kind of kills discussion after like the first week.

    I think we talked about this a while back, or somebody must have mentioned it, but will Community have the honor of first streaming show to hit 100 episodes? Arrested Development is only at like 68, the other Netflix shows are smaller than that. I'm sure the honor probably belongs to a foreign show or some animated

    Why were are y'all here is a good question.

    I want to see how they attempt to cut down Arrested Development season 4 one day.

    They could cut them down, or, depending on time slots in other countries, might not even have to do that. The season 6 episodes in England aren't cut down.

    Likely not Hulu, but the episodes are still keeping the act breaks for syndication. It might take years for American syndication, but Sony is already selling season six in other countries.

    I feel dumb for just getting this joke.

    I don't think the bird is doing alright. There was a half built nest, some candy wrappers and a half eaten lollipop. I'm worried about his health.

    You guys remember that joke last season where a bird was living in the wall? I had an incident today that reminded me of that.

    1. What is real? That's a good question, which I will answer after I check this call *flees room*
    2. Sanity is sane, but with e dropped and ity added.
    3. If there is a god, can it be like Norse? Those guys are cool
    4. Maybe the Pierce hologram got destroyed by the FRISBEE. :(
    Or they had to move it after he accidentally

    Fox seems committed to going back to season 1's style, so who knows what season three could bring. It could stay the same, or find a way to bring back that magic.

    Frankie might have a difficult time getting hired with her attitude, but, she would have a great political future if she kept talking like that.

    I was always frustrated that Parks and Recreation could get full seasons while Community couldn't. When you remove The Office from the equation, Parks and Recreation was just above Community at some moments, or tied in other moments. A 22 episode season 5 would have been fun.

    They talked about it in one of the commentaries, or some interview around the time. It's an awesome idea, which makes me wonder if Abed's movie this year has some of the original idea.