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    Why does he have a radio show if they record it with cameras?

    Then trips over his chair.

    This makes me want to read The Sleep Book again.

    To prepare for Norm's take over of The Daily Show. It's a long con.

    I have a magical well in my room that lets me see the future, so I just use that.

    Maybe he'll direct it too.

    Thank you, you too.

    Reverse brainwashing sounds like hypnotizing the hypnotist.

    Does this make me a space racist? :(

    A giraffe wearing a business suit is always the response I get.

    Wow, that is really offensive.

    I spilled my soup on my pants. :(

    They're bringing back American Gladiators and making them fight for the position.

    How does it keep up with the news like that?

    Like Smoochy.

    Do you do gator humor, or are you more of the crocodile humor?

    You're a pretty kitty cat.

    He was the former United States Federal Trade Commission chairman. I guess he had a pretty good talk show, but he's going back to his real passion.

    Thank you.

    That explains his response to my holiday card.