Edward Olson

This will be the episode that should get Michael McKean a nomination for
best supporting actor at the Emmys. He chewed up the scenery, and if
ever scenery deserved chewing up, it was in this episode.
McKean hasn't gotten very much praise for his performance in BCS, and
this is the first time I've mentioned him.

Well, tonight's episode, number four, is the first of the entire series
to deliver the frisson that Breaking Bad always did.
And without Walter White, no less.
No doubt having Gus and "Pollos Hermanos" feature so prominently, along
with Hector, delivered that high, but I think, for me, there was more
than that. But I

Good post.
But no to " Anybody can do a big dramatic death scene "
I've seen enough productions of "Hamlet" to dispute that.

Phillip won't be there to support Paige, but Matthew might have been.

" Philip killed an innocent (enough) man"….Why the qualifier (enough) ?
He was innocent, unlike our protagonists.
Another innocent, and btw, a very nice guy, Matthew, is collateral damage.
I see tragedy in Paige's future, and probably Misha's, too.
Philip and Elizabeth have lots of blood on their hands, and I think their

But Mesa Verde doesn't need proof beyond a reasonable doubt to drop Kim. Like a hot tamale.I think Jimmy has thought of this, and it heightens his anger at Chuck.

All of us "Breaking Bad" people waiting for the arrival of Gus needn't wait
any longer.
The minute I saw that crisply laundered yellow shirt ( even if in soft
focus ) on the sweeping man, I remembered Gus' fastidiousness, and
flawless grooming.
Gus is perfectly groomed, whether mopping the floors, or killing.
Even Howard

Misha better stay clear of Claudia.
He would just be another notch in Granny's belt. I really thought Claudia was going to tell Gabriel that they had no choice. She wasn't happy about Misha's Afghanistan disloyalty, either.
She remembers "the great patriotic war" with pride. Kids nowadays don't know how easy they have

Which circle of hell should the people who left "The Americans" not nominated for best TV drama be sent ?
If it was my choice, the worst ( the 9th circle ) isn't bad enough.
I'm creating a 10th circle.
Apologies to Dante.

There was a scene where Claudia tried to honeypot Agent Gaad, but it wound up on the cutting room floor.

I'm searching for the right candidate to stab in the neck so I can bond with my kid, too.

I don't remember if Philip and Elizabeth's exact ages have ever been mentioned, but now we know Elizabeth's.
She was born in 1943.
She was 2 y.o. when the war ended.

Aderholt is much smarter than Stan, and more emotionally secure too.
But why the hell is the phone cord being ripped off the wall by Elizabeth, when she killed Lois Smith, ever alluded to?
I thought for sure her son would have thought that very odd, and now when the FBI is investigating, why isn't his memory jogged?

I like your "knowing look".
Henry going to the garage has to have a payoff.
Even more significant, the series has spent quite a bit of time on Stan and
Henry's friendship. All that has to lead somewhere. In a different kind of show, Stan would wind up as a pedophile, but not here.
Either Henry knows or strongly suspects

Ice cold.
When Elizabeth is having a bad hair day the murder rate in D.C. and its inner suburbs skyrockets.
When she is having a REALLY bad hair day, even the citizens of Baltimore aren't safe.

Now that Paige has seen up close how badass her mother can be I'll bet she won't be slow about setting the table, washing the dishes, or folding the laundry. She better keep her mouth shut, too.

The USA certainly didn't have any scruples about any responsibility for the deaths of Soviet sailors, nor should it have.
We were indirectly ( and probably directly, too ) responsible for the deaths of hundreds or thousands of Soviet soldiers in Afghanistan, just as they were responsible for the deaths of Americans in

Thanks, I didn't realize that.

My apologies if anyone else has already mentioned this, but when Elizabeth killed the book keeper Betty ( the great character actress, Lois Smith ) she also pulled the phone cord out of the wall.
Didn't that raise some eyebrows?
If it didn't already, I think Stan and Alderholt will figure out it was probably a murder,

Arkady seems genuinely distressed about learning Gaad's fate ( we think that was in the letter ).
But there may be an even bigger personal reason to be distressed.
The FBI, or Stan freelancing, may decide that Glaad was a high ranking enough ( even though retired ) official, that his murder deserves big time payback.