Edward Olson

Ruthie Ann Miles is great.
Margo Martindale is fantastic.
This show deserves more Emmys than are possible.
But the actor who is the most deserving of an Emmy is….
Alison Wright as Martha.

That's from what what may well be the greatest of all American musicals.
Sung by the character which is the greatest female role in American musicals.
Mama Rose, in "Gypsy"

I think Martha's parents would have wedding photos with "Clark" and, probably, his "sister" in them. Claudia too. Stan would easily see they were his neighbors.
Her father has his suspicions about "Clark"….or whatever his name is.
Why they haven't become a plot issue mystifies me. Of course,
when they do, the jig is up

I think I was more upset with what Elizabeth did to Don than I was with all the murders she did in cold blood.

It was really just a joke. I never saw an entire episode of
Golden Girls……maybe 45 minutes when someone else was watching it…even less of The View. I haven't had a TV for years. I buy The Americans from Amazon.
I steal my other favorite show, Better Call Saul.
Alison Wright should play Medea, Lady Macbeth.
Martha in

After the collapse of the USSR, if they all survive, Martha, Elizabeth,
and Claudia could do a Russian equivalent of "The Golden Girls ",
or, if situation comedy isn't their style, "The View".

But Martha's parents must have wedding photos.
How long will it take the FBI to figure that out?
Won't Stan notice that Clark has a startling resemblance to his next door neighbor?
That wig wouldn't fool anyone.

Martha is very small potatoes in the great narrative of Soviet - American relations.
I'm not positive, but I don't think we ever broke off diplomatic relations, going back to Lenin.
There is a great TV movie about Guy Burgess' life in Russia - it's mostly a comedy - "An Englishman Abroad"
"Bridge of Spies", about a spy

"Maybe it’s because Schwimmer isn’t exactly the best actor in the ensemble cast"

I think there is a tie for best show…..The Americans….&…..Better Call Saul

what did i miss too? i only remember joan being married to dr. harris.