Edward Olson

I'm taking a moment away from devising the most horrific tortures for those who chose not to nominate the absolute best, which is obviously what I consider the best…. and anyone who doesn't agree deserves torture, too.
At least Alison Wright from "The Americans" was finally nominated. Better late than never.
Why not the

Rogers & Hart wrote it.
Listen to Ella Fitzgerald sing it. She recorded the "Song Books" of Broadway composers in the late fifties and early sixties. They are all great, but Rogers & Hart are my favorite.

Irene packs her own heat. She doesn't have to hire anyone to do her dirty work.

Chuck was in flames before he even got to hell. He was on the express train, no stops or sidings for Mr. Charles McGill.

That's not a fun theory…..it's grotesque. Kim could never hook up with Spooge, he's not her type.
I don't remember Spooge's old lady even having a name, but anyone would take umbrage at being called a skank. Over and over again. It always pisses me off.
No pringles, both of us are sick motherfuc*ers, but you're worse

There is an Obama/Clinton dirty trick that even the wily Mr. Trump hasn't picked up on. Apparently I'm the only genius who has.
Trump does have spell check, but they sabotaged his copy, so he would look foolish.
Why didn't anyone else think of that ?

At the risk of appearing dense.
Is is absolutely clear that Mike was looking for the body of the Good Samaritan ? He was using a metal detector, but the chance that the body would have sufficient metal ( if any ) with it is by no means assured.
We see the guy's wedding ring, but that's not much metal. Maybe a belt

Jimmy is breaking badder and badder, and this show is getting fantasticer and fantasticer. Up until this week I had two favorite shows, this and "The Americans". Now there is unquestionably one in first place, and it ain't "The Americans".
Everything about BCS is first rate. Visually, it is stunning. The overhead shot

Jimmy is breaking badder and badder, and this show is getting fantasticer and fantasticer. Up until this week I had two favorite shows, this and "The Americans". Now there is unquestionably one in first place, and it ain't "The Americans".
Everything about BCS is first rate. Visually, it is stunning. The overhead shot

Isn't it glaringly obvious to everyone that Renee is Gabriel & Claudia's love child ?

I hope Henry does get a happy ending.
I hope that no hedge fund managers do.

Alison Wright can do more with two minutes screen time than many actors can do with the leading role in a long movie.
Martha's moment felt valedictory. It's hard to envision any satisfactory plot line for Martha and her obochayemyy malyshak *

I definitely got the impression that the widow Anita's late husband was
the good Samaritan who stopped to help with the broken down truck and
who was rewarded for his efforts by being murdered.
His body would never have been found, and Anita mentions a description
of where they found his car, and I think Mike realized

I'd be amazed if either Paige or Henry would willingly go to the USSR. Their parents would have to essentially kidnap them.

Howard is a big spender. Lord only knows how much he pays for his tailored, bespoke suits. Howie baby, you are cute, but your suits are a tad too tight. Your tailor is ripping you off.

Badger and Skinny Pete deserve a spinoff.
Dumb and Dumber ll

Do you run a funeral parlor?

Lydia, oh Lydia, of have you met Lydia, Lydia the tattooed lady ?
Remember Jesse Plemon's ( Todd Alquist ) ringtone for his heartthrob ?
I'll never forget her exasperation when he refers to her blouse as a shirt. It's called a blouse, Todd !
A blouse !

Somehow just the prospect of Nacho's decent and hardworking father being
sucked into the vortex of Hector's criminal enterprise is more
upsetting than any number of beatings and murders.
You've sold your soul Nacho, let your father keep his.
Hector's wheelchair and bell can't come soon enough for me.

I think that Pastor Tim & wife may be going home to Jesus sooner
than they might have expected. Our heroes first have to get the
incriminating evidence about who they really are, which is held in some
lawyers office.
Getting that should be child's play for them.
I had this horrible thought ( about the series, not my own