Nice Marmot

I wasn't really suggesting mainstream rock wasn't already dead and buried. Anything that matters is already written & recorded. McCartney took part in that.

Youngins get snarky about these artists cause they know full well mainstream rock is like 99% dead when they're all gone.

My kids always make me play this so they can watch it like a movie. My only beef with it is you can't skip through the damn conversations with other people at times. It gets tedious if you're replaying it.

I hope these ladies aren't leaving their potential potables unattended.

Git outta here


How did they think people wouldn't bitch about MBJ not being nominated for Creed? Honesty, I'd have done it just to avoid this.

I just remembered I never saw that one. Luckily the helpful posters have me leaning towards it being alright, very good, worth a watch, great, awful, or decent.

JJ would be grinning ear to ear to read all that thought put into it.

I can't see any reason, any of the Thor characters outside Thor & Loki would be in it.

I'll never hate on Avatar like so many others do. But, as with the new Star Wars, it sure as hell better have set the stage for a whole lotta more originality to go along with the visual feast.

Big feat, there.

Every second is so much better than the prequels, warts and all.

Look at it this way. The fans would be enraged that she's no longer a civil rights-era black woman. I'd think the PC crowd would catch wind of that and go bonkers.

The story's so out there and all over the place it could easily work.

Amen to that

1. - 15.: CLUTCH's Psychic Warfare

Stoll's Strain hair should have gotten it's own spinoff show.


The machine gun scene in Baby put me into hysterics. Easily worse than when I first saw E.T. Man, I was a little 7 year old wuss.