Nice Marmot

The Roast!

Only in a rerun

The Gunslinger is in his preteens in these stories. They could do it without Elba. McConaghey's Man In Black was around but mostly unseen.

No problem at all if they have Insomnia.

So sick of this Hollywood Heightwashing.


A friend and I manage to use "There was one?" from Stripes way too many times. It rarely even fits the situation but we laugh.

Gymkata. That is all.

I've never listened to that Zeppelin cover all the way through. And I listened to this thing a LOT. You're right, so by-the-numbers.

There's a scene in Flash Gordon on the forest planet, Arboria. Flash gets attacked by some giant, camouflaged in the ground, insect-like creature. As he struggles it starts oozing goo all over him. Always turned my 7 year old stomach something fierce!


People who hate on Howard Stern. Whether it be uptights who still somehow think he's Satan's 2nd in command or mouth-breathers that can't understand that people age, mature, and can't have the edgiest, most shocking show on the air 'til infinity.

I'll let the a-hole diatribe slide because of the Sabbath shout-out.

I once heard Colin Cowherd say that reading fiction is frivolous. I wanted to hit him in the teeth with a wrench.

Yes! Any. ALL.

I think a show that was actually great at first wouldn't count. The first four seasons should never have been considered anyone's guilty pleasure.

The king of creepy kid flicks!

I alwaya thought Wyatt did the deed the night before he woke up in her underwear.

It was almost entirely awful.

If we're lucky they pull the plug altogether.