Nice Marmot

Not that immersed…

I think of the Spaceballs watching Spaceballs whenever I think of Nemoy's Spock helping in the eventual defeat of CumberKhan.

Damn, not what I wanted to hear.

Off the top of my head, I'll go with Josh Brolin being the older brother in Goonies and Walter Hill being a producer of the Alien films.

My damn sister will remind me she hated it every chance she gets. She knows it's one of the few ways you can push my buttons talking pop culture.

The way this thing is going, he could easily be [insert name of character who will be introduced in show BEFORE being introduced in next book].

Amen. What I was going to say.

We're the "harsh" examples too harsh to share??

WAAAAYYYY too many to list. Definitely a lot of Simpsons… TONS actually.

Oh please tell us more about good dialogue, Mr. King…

My hands-down, favorite, all-time, desert island, etc… album.

Or a fjord…

TMI !!!

Good luck…


Weird looks for ARIZONA??

Woody Allen's 'Radio Days.'
Fu Manchu's 'We Must Obey.' (Doubting anything of their's is a critical darling.)
Coen Bros.' 'A Serious Man.'

Uhhh, actually. the character is a total p.o.s. monster type…

Strange Brew! How can… aww fuck it, they both rock.

Gotta admit that Cris Carter cracks me up on there.