Nice Marmot

Cowherd has put being a snarky, shock-jock douche ahead of just delivering the great, intelligent humor he's capable of. Used to love his show circa 2004-2007 or so…

3 episodes and done. I don't care how much better it got…

Better Off Dead

Don't blame me, blame my in-laws.


You guys should meet up in person. Maybe go piss on as many residents of a nursing home as possible before your bladders empty.

They could always replace it with the Confederate backup flag. Solid white…

Electric leather seats

Hell yeah. I've only met ONE person in my life outside of family to know Midnight Madness.

Too many 80s movies to count…

The silence just made that scene. Chilling.

I know. Especially since crazy Rick Grimes has a bitchin' red beard when he's on Thrones

See ya'…

Great, stupid distraction, it was. Fun show!

Always loved 'Habitat For Huge Manatees' at the Springfield Zoo.

Damn. Everyone's making me surprised & disappointed I've never even heard of this flick. Gotta seek it out.

Combination of tv and films. Sony is the latest to give it a shot.

True dat

I'd love to see Charlie Murphy as Pal, the creepy losers at the bowling alley.

11/22/63 will be a series on Hulu starring James Franco.