Captain M.

I wouldn't say the Avatar is completely irrelevant now - it's just not the end-all-be-all of international arbiters as it once was. My prediction is that Korra's role moving forward will change in a direction similar to the Justice League's role in Kingdom Come, where the members realize they can do more good working

Korra was able to enter the Avatar State at the beginning of this season - remember when she tried the spirit-bending to get rid of the vines? The Avatar State is still viable b/c she's still fused to Raava; the connection to the past Avatars is gone independently b/c the previous incarnation of Raava was destroyed.

But… But… Baby Air Bison???

Bolin whaaaaa? Holy crap.

Definitely agree with you there. To be fair, I thought the last half of Book 2 (starting with Beginnings) was pretty decent.

Uh… who was overrating Book 2? I think the general consensus was that it was indeed the weakest of all Avatar seasons.

50? Pssh. I can do 50 XD

Felt like a lot of that had to do with the sloppy writing and the fact that we didn't even get to go to the Spirit World until 2/3s of the way in. The actual spirit stuff was fine by my book.

Amon was pretty clearly established in Book 1. I will agree that the character dialogue and relationships were the tightest that I've ever experienced throughout this series. Bolin's consistently funny *and* contributes to the plot! Korra and Tenzin are working together as equals! Asami's relevant! Deska and Esna

He could very well be one of the most dangerous and intelligent villains in both AtLA and LoK, alongside Azula and Amon.

"Rebirth" and "A Breath of Fresh Air" are ironically appropriate titles for the LoK series.

Don't know if this happened to anyone else here, but I was watching the premiere on an online stream when it cut to a… Cut to a… With Korra… *Sobs quietly*

Damn! Was going to do a "first" comment, but I had to get my login info.
But man… These episodes made me soooo happy.

Now that you think about it, some of Rick's statements earlier this season make a little more sense. Why does he apparently need Morty to collect Megaseeds in the first episode, when it's obvious he's done this before? Likely - at least in part - because he didn't want anyone else tracking his brain waves and also

Kinda like how Robin and Barney got divorced?

The Asgardians are indeed 'gods', but they're generally treated as more of a dysfunctional royal family. I think when we talk about DC superheroes, we refer to them as gods less in terms of their power and more in terms of their influence as leaders and ambassadors to Earth. They're not just trying to defend the

JLU reviews are back!

Did you mean offensive to me? Because I'm not offended at all. I generally split my review reading time between IGN and AV Club; I've agreed and disagreed with reviews on both sides. Based on my overall impression of the reviews, the IGN personalities are generally more guy-geeky/nerd culture, whereas AV is more

That's funny… IGN rated this as one of the weaker episodes of Season 2 while AV Club considers it the strongest episode of Arrow so far. Go figure.