Captain M.

(Sorry for the wall of text, no this is not a rant.) Bit late to the party but wanted to get this off my chest: The Legend of Korra. I love-love-love-loved the show when it was airing. And there are a great many things I still remember fondly about the show: the animation, the fights, the superb score by Jeremy

I disagree about the difficulty. Pretty much all of the SC 1 and BW missions (with exceptions) are pretty trivial if you're decent with macro mechanics. All you have to do is build up a critical mass army and just plow down their bases. By comparison, there are certain missions in SC 2 - particularly the hold out

I think the LOTV campaign (with the exception of the epilogue) is the closest Blizzard has come to telling a complete, emotionally gripping story in years. I loved the hell out of it.

I also love the first cinematic introducing the Protoss. It just thrusts you into this world of overpowered aliens so effortlessly.

You mean like Tom Bombadil? I sympathize with that sentiment, but at the same time you have to admit it's nigh impossible to integrate him into the story in a way keeps the pace flowing.

No arguments there. Toy Story 1 had the same problem.

I feel like the crude animation actually contributes to the atmosphere in some cases. The big, black, round Zerg eyes in SC I feel more soulless and terrifying than the small glowing Zerg eyes in SC II.

My personal favorite is Fellowship of the Ring. The plotting and character arcs are most tightly-woven together here, and the imagery is the most diverse and colorful, with the lush green Shire, the terrifying Nazgul, the swarm-like Orcs in Moria, and the awe-inspiring Balrog. By comparison Two Towers and Return of

As someone who is only passingly familiar with the Warhammer game and aesthetic, I always felt that Starcraft was more of a homage to 80's/90's sci fi action movies in general, than a direct ripoff of another game. This probably has a lot to do with the cinematics, which focus less on detailing overly-stylized alien

I don't think many people have picked up on it yet, but the whole "find black blocky artifact"—>"find the space gods"—>"ascend" is almost straight out of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Personally, I thought Korrasami felt more natural and had better progression than Kataang. That's just my opinion though.

Tracy wasn't a road block to anyone or anything, if she hadn't died I'm sure Ted would have lived happily ever after with her for the rest of their days. It wasn't that Ted was getting back with "the real love of his life", it's that he's moving on from Tracy's *death* and getting together with another person he

…No (s)he doesn't? I thought it was fine too.

Apparently, her voice actress is April Stewart, who also voices Raava.

I think a lot of the appeal with Tenzin and Lin has to do with what their characters say about their respective parents. Tenzin's /Bumi's/ Kya's revelations in Book 2 are interesting because they reveal a harder, or less idealized, aspect of Aang's character as an adult. Lin's backstory in Book 3 with Suyin reveals

I'd like to hone in on your point about character development and argue that a big difference between ATLA and Korra is how the other characters relate to the main character. Every member of the main cast of ATLA has a very specific relationship and set of motivations regarding Aang, which allows the rest of that

I've seen a couple comments suggesting that the story here was meant to be stretched over two episodes; instead we got this episode and last week's clip show thanks to the budget scandal. While this episode conveys the story well enough, I can see how this speculation might be justified.

I will agree with you about the slugfest. In terms of emotional attachment or character interactions, there wasn't enough setup or prior development to feel the weight or stakes or relevance of the action. The fight against Amon had weight b/c we knew how big of a threat Amon was not only to benders, but to Korra's

Funny that everyone keeps thinking Superman when they see Zaheer fly. Personally I was reminded more of The Matrix Revolutions fight, especially when the horns came on.