Captain M.

Got hooked on the show after watching "Slap Bet". Started watching with my friends beginning of the 6th season.

Dang, you guys beat me to it - indeed it was!

Favorite TV gag of the night? Mine was the Lucky Charms commercial/evisceration.

It's just like Inception, Morty, so if it's stupid and confusing and doesn't make any sense, then so is everyone's favorite movie. -_-

What just happened?

King Jellybean is also streets ahead of Family Guy. And he got blown up!

Oh, I see. Thanks guys!

I think if I had to rank the episodes, it would look something like this (hope I don't get flamed):

Could someone clarify something for me? When Snowball says, "If a person were born with stumpy legs… would they put them together and breed them like the _____?" It sounded like "dog-send"; I couldn't quite make it out.

Man, that was one crazy dream. One thing is for sure, though: I'm giving this episode an A+ rating! I came up with that all on my own! *That* is an original thought.

While it may be a mistranslation, I do think "Attack on Titan" is a better sounding title than any other possible combination of the words 'attack' and 'titan'. The best title I can think of that accurately translates is "Attack of the Titans", which 1) doesn't have the same simple ring to it, and 2) sounds like a

From what I read, the production was squeezed for budget and time so they had to cram through the writing for several scenes, as well as leave the CGI unfinished in certain places (vis a vis Beast).

I just noticed: when Rick and Morty take over their dead alternate selves' universe, Morty's face is drawn with the same lines under his eyes as Rick's. Might be too on-the-nose but I think it's a pretty neat visual metaphor for Morty starting to realize how Rick views the world and its horrors.

Yeah, that makes sense. It just feels a little strange, seeing as how the other characters seem more fully formed in the chronologically-released-earlier episodes. Especially in the first half: we've already seen these character traits (Jerry's insecure, Morty's horny, Beth is the pseudo-alpha, Summer's just kinda

In "Meeseeks and Destroy", Rick was completely blase about killing the clones from an alternate dimension possessed by ancient demon spirits from another future (hope I got that right!). Sure, it's not the quite the same, but it's pretty close.

The ending was A+ material, but the first half just seemed to retread character beats to the point where I was losing interest. As great as the ending was, the episode overall was the weakest one out of the series for me so far.

Why isn't this review loading???

For me, it definitely pushed a boundary, but I felt it wasn't too much of a stretch considering the other kinky stuff that's been going on in this show. I like that they take it seriously - they don't just blow it off, and it kinda ties into the dangerous and chaotic nature of this universe - and I like that Morty

What did you guys think of the Jellybean bathroom scene? There's at least a couple people on Reddit arguing it was too dark.

The premise was bearable for about two minutes. I wouldn't have minded so much if they had something else going on to advance the story/characters, but the whole episode seemed to think that a Kill Bill gimmick could last for twenty minutes.