Adam Cooper

I was not literally calling Ernie an awful man, I'm sure he is a great guy. Simply pointing out Ernie's misreading of the room with his attempts at levity to defuse the tension. Unfortunately, it's been going over about as well as Homer's stand up routine did.

For me it's the nesting issue. Have been trying to navigate the comments on deadspin since this announcement was made. The placement of replies to comments is confusing as others have explained here. Takes forever to load new replies and I can't make sense of how the replies are sorted. I can deal with the greying out

You realize long, winding coversations are the only reason anyone clicks on the weekend box office articles, as just one example.

Quiet, you awful man! But seriously, that is not how this community works. This problem will end up being non negotiable.


They let Penny Dreadful do the same. This is almost becoming a trend. What the hell is going on?

Unfortunately, there just aren't that many leading roles for Asian actresses in Hollywood these days. I'm sure things will turn around for her soon.


Upon further review of an HD version and freeze frame, that is definitely Bronn. Oh well, it was a fun theory.

Tarly mentioned all the gold already made its way back to King's Landing. However, Cersei won't be getting any grain from Highgarden.

Unfortunately for LF everyone has the ability to teleport this season.

Maybe, but he still doesn't have his damn castle. I'm sure Tyrion can talk Dany out of roasting him and Bronn switches sides. After losing her allies any Westerosi on her side would be a good thing.

The character who saved Jaime from dragon fire at the end also seemed to be wearing heavy armour and looked to be sinking to the bottom of the river. Bronn wears leather and wouldn't sink. I doubt Randall Tarly could move that fast to save Jaime. Leaving either Dickon or an anonymous soldier saving Jaime. Considering

Hodor completely freaked out after the first time Bran possessed him. I wouldn't want to witness a dragon's freak out after that kind of violation. Could kill everyone, could fly away forever or worse. I wouldn't recommend this course of action for Bran.

I dunno, I feel the 60 degree angle of a lob wedge would be more likely to break the skin. Admittedly, it's a short club so I'd recommend adding a few inches to it for reach. Make sure to aim for the head though, if you hit his gut I imagine the club would get stuck like Smithers fist in Homer's prodigous gut.

As a fan of the show, it was possibly the worst episode they've done. Million Little Fibers comes a close second.

More of a critical hit. 20.1 million on a 15 million budget (which doesn't include marketing costs). Most of the money this made was on the home video market as word of mouth grew and it's status as a cult classic was cemented.

This is correct. I thought I'd get some enjoyment out of having been around the set and being part of the filming. The low quality of the show took all the fun out of that. The only show I've worked on that I watch is The Expanse.

Tim Kring is the showrunner. NBC gave him another chance with that reboot series a few years back. My god was it awful. It was the first show I worked on in film to air. My experience watching it has dissuaded me from watching anything I work on ever again.