Adam Cooper

His character in The Path is practically a seminar on barely supressed rage. Constantly has the feeling of a time bomb about to go off.

I did not realize how badly I wanted this until now.

Give him some wings and Trump would resemble that Evil Bob Toad-moth.

In both cases, an improvement on their previous careers.

Mike Hunt also works.

If that song comes on the radio no matter what I'm doing I turn up the volume and sing it as loud as I can. 4 minutes of joy.

Are you sure we have to? I'd really rather not.

He was only pissed off because he was mentioned in the same sentence as Courtney Love.

He doesn't even give it any stars. Just one big thumbs down. This feels most appropriate.

Except for Cornell. That one's gonna hurt for a while.

Replace Gray Ghost with Batman and that captures just about everyone's feelings on here.

I now really want Ed Chalmers to say that.

That's a great nickname for Richard Spencer.

You mean like Keith Richards and 60s rock bands?

So, Hancock?

And then we all laughed and said "Silly Mother in Law, there's no afterlife. I'm going to nothingness!"

Things are never that black and white. I have the same pirated copy. I also have seen the film twice in theaters and paid for a friend to see it with me. I'm planning to drag my father to see it with me for a third time this weekend and I've got it pre-ordered on blu ray. Is it so bad I have this just for myself in

You mean HBO cut new trailers of Six Feet Under and The Wire to make it easier to convince your friends to watch them. Seriously, some of my friends are damn stubborn.

We'll call it TBA and the Bluths can run the fundraiser.