Adam Cooper

Both great choices for right now, however they're also both 40+ (ok, so Hardy is 39 until Sept). It'd be nice if they found someone who could potentially stick in the role for 15 years plus like Jackman did.

And this is why I have adblock. Seriously it's only because of unskipable ads on youtube. Good job guys.

And then Morgan decides to respond to that by insulting all Australians.

Hey guys it debuts March 17th, not April 21st.

She does this thing called a mayonegg. She gets mayonnaise and a hard boiled egg and well you just need to see it, it's adorable.

Shame? In Del Toro's case he already owned most of them.

Go watch the Guillermo Del Toro one. He just starts tossing movies in his bag, they have to remind him to tell the camera what he's taking. Too excited by all the amazing movies around him.

Alright. I propose Gary Glitter instead.

I thought Bill Cosby was History's Greatest Monster.

They're both losers! LOSERS!

Well those bad reviews caught it on its 2nd weekend as its 68% drop was equal to the drop this awful Fantastic Four film suffered after opening weekend.

Cuz fuck is the worst word that you can saaaaay.

I wonder if they cast the same dog from 'There's Something About Mary'

Bring back Andy Barker!! NOW! ummm Harve Presnell's dead? shit…

Pretty sure it's McNulty who owns Jameson's on tv.

BB went longer than 41 minutes on multiple occasions. Also SOA is far more episodic than BB requiring more time to set up each episode's conflicts. At the same time BB will always be the better show