Adam Cooper


I relish the day returning when a Swastika tattoo guaranteed you death or worse. How the fuck do you put that on your body?

Source? Pretty please.

From now on they should just go with watery tarts distributing swords to determine who wields supreme executive power.

I loved the juror comments yesterday

"I really thought Jon Snow was dead for good!"
-Clay Aiken

I don't think it was a budget issue. Lynch was one of the first major filmmakers to embrace digital cameras with Inland Empire and enjoys the freedom they allow. Anyways, here are Lynch's thoughts on the issue.

Threatening Sam with a choice of being murdered by his own father or taking the black simply because he was a fat embarassment justifies his fate for me.

My guess? After making an alliance with Jon and co. against the Night's King, she attempts to sneak attack her enemies. Jaime realizes the true threat of the Night's King and kills Cersei and Qyburn to keep them from dooming humanity.

Rhaegal! Has to be the one named after his father.

It has the most impact on the ability to rule after the war. You can take over, but ruling the people afterwards is much more difficult. As we've seen in Mereen, a regime that is perceived as illegitimate is inherently unstable. If Danaerys were to marry Jon and rule together the people would be more likely to happily

Nope, definitely not the best use of Gendry's skills in a tactical sense. However, it does contribute to establishing the similarities between Gendry and his father. Robert's most identifiable traits were his immense stubbornness and love of fighting (remember how disappointed he was when Ned broke it to him no one

It feels like there is still some semblance of law in KL, whereas those living outside the city are pretty vulnerable to being murdered and/or having their belongings stolen. Long term KL is not the best place to be but on a day by day basis it is likely one of the safest places in Westoros for peasants and for

Voiced by Patrick Stewart, since he now has extensive experience playing poop.

These aren't problems, these are features! If you just put a little effort in I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

Kinja isn't here so comments don't need to stay on topic… yet.

Why not both?

Yup and the tech admitted there are currently no plans to implement it. Check the article and comments for more info http://www.avclub.com/artic…

Unless it's the lack of nested comments, then it's not a bug it's a feature!

I'd say I am completely neutral on Ed Sheehan, I'm aware of who he is and thats about it. The core issue is not him, but unnecessary stunt casting. It didn't kill the scene, but I was taken out of the scene to an extent, because the casting focused my attention on him and not Arya. Overall, I think the scene would