
I struggled through S1 early eps, and was glad I did. I didn't like S2 premier (which was 2 eps) but will give it another 1-2 eps because Rami is so compelling. btw, did you see this.

Well that sounds ominous. and btw, Rami Malek won SAG award also.

ALBRECHT Aug 2014. This was repeated via multiple outlets:

LOL, you remind me of Claire's thought at the print shop when Jamie is kissing her.

They had a 2 minute sexual reunion in 204 that was a shallow substitute for the abbey springs healing. They never had healing sex after the loss of Faith, nor did they have life affirming sex on the Prestonpans hill. Although the 3 minute gaelic prayer was beautiful, it came out of nowhere, and went nowhere, and I

Book Angus Mhor was a huge silent hulk who was Colum's long time right hand man. And his masseuse, LOL.
And who delivered "my master is dead" to Jamie and Claire at Holyrood. Towards the end, as you say. It's the last time we see him in DIA.
TV Angus is ….

IDK. I don't remember TV Jamie revealing that he thought Dougal axed his head. But I DO remember TV Jamie's ep 9 VO where he says he'd repaired his relationship with Colum AND DOUGAL. And the book's actual deathbed revelation is not for several more books. And once again Norah, please do BUZZ off my comments.

The gathering was another lifetime. Sorry but at that point of the story, DIA Dougal assisting Jamie plus their shared experience in the Falkirk church absolutely lays the groundwork for being shocked at what happened between them at Culloden House.

I guess you missed where I said "at that point" ?? Spoiler: once Dougal showed up in later DIA, he assisted Jamie in getting Jamie's men out of Tolbooth. Went to Stirling with Simon, to speak to BPC on Jamie's behalf. Remember that ? And after that assistance, boom, that surprising ending between them.

Pretty sure DG first came up with the kilted Jamie from Dr. Who and not a WWII combat nurse. She needed someone to tell his story. Even DG's husband says the show thinks it's telling Claire's story, but DG is telling Jamie's story through Claire's eyes. In CompuServe.

yep. Nothing like telegraphing / foreshadowing Jamie / Dougal friction that didn't exist at that point. Spoiler: what happens later came out of nowhere and was a total shocker of a read.

Sam was better in season 1 part 1 eps. When he had 1.5 hours of screen time and actual book dialogue.

Yes, where was that hardened experienced warrior in season 1. Nowhere to be found, replaced by a puppy.

Yes, remnants of her 2010 rant against fanfic still remain on the internet, despite her attempt to send it through the stones. It was quite ugly. And yet, here we are. $Fanfic$

Fiction, indeed. Not sure I'd call Ron and those writers fans, though.

Well, well. Isn't that very interesting ! Appreciate the heads up, Sigrid. And oh. The ratings for 205 are down.

Yep. Gabaldon went straight to the brother. She wants us to consider the brother.

which gets back to my original point, this adaptation has kicked up this idea by some that Jamie might be gay. (The idea does not generate from anything in the books.)

"felt so good" is not in the book. Adapted line. And if TV Jamie was wrestling with the idea that he liked it ? Adapted idea. They didn't do his torture and rapes like the book. If they had, there would be no question or thought that Jamie is gay. Jamie's worst torture was that he could not stop himself from being

I've been reading these books since they were published and don't ever remember Jamie's sexuality being discussed, questioned or commented on. Until this adaptation was aired.