
what are other good entries into this genre?

wait, what's this about dany's fleet being burned??

yeah, i agree, that seems pretty stupid… and he clearly didn't know that being touched by the night king would bring about certain and immediate calamity.

all my favorite genital warts were diagnosed backstage, too.

here i was all excited to see christian camargo in this role as endearing and and smart zoologist lover of vanessa, with no ice-truck-killer-level mendacity. whomp whomp.

yeah seriously where were they stuck and where did he WALK TO?

it's definitely going somewhere - and i think i will play a very big role in the last part of this season

i know. i know. the peanut butter question. and the answer is no, martha. not in soviet russia. not unless you make a friend in the american embassy.

meh, let's watch heathers again

this episode felt really fast to me, like nothing much happened. even though, yes, things, happened, i didn't really feel like we were really 'with' any one story - more that we were just sort of doing a variety of check-ins

do i hear rumblings of snow/davos slash fic

hung by one arm out the moon door on a 100-foot rope, and eaten chunk by chunk by eagles?

i wish we could just get his daughter ruling the iron isles, asap, and starting to be brilliant and tough, without a big complicated tedious to-do about the process of getting there.

or H+L = MLH

so is it just something everyone in the king's guard is choosing to ignore, that the cersei's new pal is suspiciously as gigantic as the mountain and looks about as dead as the mountain would probably be looking?

and he was *hotter*

…and *that's* why you Always Leave A Note

i'd read that essay btw. and want to very much.

was this the first funeral we've ever seen on the show?

Only if they are accepted anew/able to perform at sufficient levels of badassery, though. I would not mind living in a world in which Guns N Roses was like really big and really respected again for a time.