
I want them to endorse Bernie Sanders. Pleeeeeeasssse

yeah, he really has the affect of exactly how this character would be down perfectly.

USSR finances arrrrre getting exceptionally tight now, timeline with afghanistan, etc,


I know. One one hand it fits with the idea of him having enough arrogance to think he can fix/save/heal most people and that he has the unique spiritual strength to bring about resolution in complicated situations. On the other hand, this was an era in which people had genuinely level of fear about russia, russians

he gave some really intense look right as he bolted and i gasped so loudly/awkwardly i scared the random cat that sleeps outside my bedroom window.

i love her new friend so much….SO MUCH

zomg why can't each episode be 90 minutes please. i'd prefer 2 hours. but 90 minutes would be an acceptable increase in amount of Americans we get to experience each week. there is simply not enough not enough of this sweet and anxiety-soaked soviet-era goodness.

i mean, IRL these characters would definitely be feeling the bern. for starters, marijuana policy.

ugh one of my favorite shows shilling for one of my least favorite people in the world… haven't seen the episode yet. but.. UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH

i didn't think it was a lie, but i didn't think it was going to come up again…

so she will get to the recording of Paige next episode, presumably. which. wow.

Alison Wright and Keri Russell better get some goddamn Emmy love this year

i could have used with another scene after the Beeman rough-up.

Hans! it's Hans!
sheesh you guys clearly have not watched these shows enough times. how on earth are you spending *your* periods of paralyzing depression? ;)

i thought he was going to tell martha about going to EST, like sandy told him to do with elizabeth

unfortunately/fortunately that is not his deal. and i'm so glad the show has let him just be a maybe self-important but still sincere/well-intended genuine pastor.

no, elizabeth gave hans the brush-off after the action taking the south african spy from the diner, because she said she thought he'd been made by his fellow student. and then hans killed the student in a pretty intense fight to show his dedication, cover his tracks, and get back into the fold. (it was intense in many

there was Hans in the newsboy hat, but then there was another guy we saw the first time wearing a hat, a derby hat, not a newsboy hat, walking down the street, without any kind of remotely tight shot on him, though, but this person i think contributed to philip's feeling spooked. i didn't notice him the other