Allen Thomas

Actually, I live in California lol.

If that is possible then the exact opposite must be possible until proven otherwise. Innocent until proven guilty, he is guilty of growing marijuana illegally, not having illegal weapons. Just because he has 27 guns, one of which could be a legal to own grenade launcher or attachment, does not mean they were used or

Since they wont list the weapons (probably because none of them are illegal) no one can know for sure. Why even mention the guns in a vague manner if they had proof of actual illegal firearms.

These are perfectly normal reasons why someone might own a grenade launcher attachment, since many single shot grenade launchers are used for riot control and not HE type rounds. Further proving that there is little menace to the grenade launcher.

It would change the relevance to why the person pulled over was linked to the murder. If it was legal, how many people could own it, how many people not stopped by cops had cyanide as well that could have performed the murder.

I highly doubt that they didn't mention any of that in the article and this is a story about him being sentenced, if they had other charges there would be news about that was well.

Actually I think he didn't have anything for it when they arrested him since they would have reported it. Just because it could launcher grenades does not mean that is what he used it for.

When carrying all your gear you might need for a hunting trip you may want to save room. He doesn't need to take all his weapons when going hunting. Also, it isn't illegal and maybe he thought it was fun to shoot flares at Tannerite charged targets that you can buy at your local gun store. Just because it could be

Cyanide is illegal to own. Without proper documentation and permits.

Your words are feeble and easily manipulated, that is your fault not mine.

So every person that owns a gun for home defense is involved with illegal trafficking? He wasn't terrorizing anyone with them and he is not being brought up on any weapons charges, so why is it so hard to think they were not related? They could be for hobby and home defense which MANY people in America have?

Maybe he hunts boar and deer with an AR style rifle that he can simple add a simple grenade launcher on the bottom to shoot flares in case of emergency instead of carrying multiple weapons at once.

The whole point of reporting the guns and ammo is for people to make assumptions that they are related. When in fact that a simple preface to that comment would have make the article much less biased. He is not being charged with an gun crimes and there is no grenades, that would have been stated in the headlines by

It is not hard to believe as a gun owner that it could be unrelated. Pretty easy to own that many weapons and if you do need about that much ammo if you want to have some fun shooting them. I have shot more than 350 rounds of a caliber while out with friends.

Yes, in the state of Texas easily. I live in California and know people that don't have any pot plants with more guns and ammo. Nothing strange about owning 27 guns and a grenade launcher that he had no grenades for.

I did read it, and the term "cache" is used vaguely in the media. It was not a direct comment to this article. I should have been more clear about that.

Nothing illegal about owning a grenade launcher.

So they just failed to mention he had grenades to go along with his grenade launcher? Please, that would have been in the headline. He clearly did not have any. Plus, 9000 rounds divided by 26 guns (the 27th is the launcher) is only 346 rounds per gun. I can shoot that in a lot of guns on a Saturday with friends.

There is nothing illegal about owning guns, so that shouldn't be used against in the courtroom or in an non-biased news story. The news is supposed to be unbiased, remember?

He wasn't charged with that and they didn't mention any other cases against him, which I am sure they would have. Since they bothered to report that he had them, I am sure they would have reported if they were illegal as well.