Allen Thomas

Did he have any of said grenades? Pretty sure no since they didn't mention it, but they did mention the 9mm rounds. So he had no explosives to fire, nothing scary about that.

He is not being charged with any gun crimes, having a "cache" of weapons is vague. Could be 3 could be 300. Either way as long as all the weapons are legal to own in his state and federally it has no bearing on the story that is being reported that he was sent to prison for growing marijuana.

You are inferring that a grenade launcher can blow up and is explosive.

He didn't have any grenades and grenade launchers don't blow up by themselves. Many of them are used to fire flares and is perfectly legal.

So every person that owns a flare gun is scary because they own a flare? Plus a grenade launcher is not a projectile, it can not blow up on its own. You clearly don't know anything about guns or ammunition.

They are not relevant to the news of why he is being sent to prison. The ammunition and grenade launcher are not illegal. They have no point to the news they are trying to report.

The is supposed to report the news not tell scary stories.

Are you afraid of your own shadow as well? Maybe he is a avid target shooter and regularly shoots 9mm? How is that scary? Plus he might use that grenade launcher a flare gun if he gets lost while hunting?

So having a grenade launcher and 9000 rounds is not illegal and not relevant to the story in any way. Why does the media even include that? Just to make it sound more scary and sinister to the public. There is no legal limitation on the amount of ammo someone can own and in the state of Texas it is legal to have a