
But maybe we'll see Coop sock Belushi.

Calling it: Chuck will have electricity powers by the end of the season.

He should have also played a voicemail of Jessie apologizing for it with Badger and Skinny Pete chiming in.

I hope the Electric Gremlin from Gremlins 2: The New Batch kills him.

Hopefully it's Exorcist 2: The Heretic extended into a season of tv.

Michael Caine is a joy in the third movie and justifies it existing.

She comes from the same dimension that the Mad Men Bobby Draper's reside in.

Love how they're turning the battle against Chuck into Kim and Jimmy's con jobs.

But why did they remake AntiTrust?

The nominees will have to fight and the winner must eat the loser.

It's the song we really need right now.

Same. Had my fill of any Simpsons years and years ago.

I think it was Rocket Power and when the Rugrats grew up.

But now he can voice the baby in Death Stranding.

I quit after season 2.

Walt would have let Chuck die.

And this also goes along with the logo erasing side stuff in Ground Zeroes.

Terminators, Predators, Tranformers, the cast of Fast 5 and The Expendables.

He doesn't have the rights to the Silmarillion. It's all from the Lord of the Rings appendixes or fan fiction.

FF XII is the best Final Fantasy.