
Love the Zeal fight. She's the real last boss in Trigger. Lavos is just a monster.

I have a theory that Chrono Cross started out as an original game. But was then changed to be a Chrono game. Which is why the connections can be rather tenuous and the world is completely different.

This is my favorite episode.

Exactly, having some Batman Year One in it would be cool too. That way you could have some origin stuff. But without have Mr. Freeze fight the police while Bruce is 14. Going back so many years was a huge misstep.

It should have just been done like Gotham Central. Batman is around but not a main character. That way the villains are fully formed too.

Wow that Leprechaun joke got old fast.

Aw he was pretty good in the Assassination of Jessie James.

If it was Doritos Flamas Vodka we'd have a deal.

He was also in John Carter…of Mars.

Pacific Rim is this year's version of that.

Or at least Outlaw Star.

Having to build Neo Tokyo should be a big boom to Japan's economy. Also, look out for some bad ass new motorcycles on the market. But I was still kind of hoping things would go like Neon Genesis Evangelion. Oh well, at least things aren't going to be like Dragonball.

I watched this show with an old college roommate, it's so weird and bad. I'm pretty sure the cast was actually made of robot aliens from the future attempting to mimic human emotions. The production design was also odd just empty sets that looked like they were at a furniture store. The dad was the best character on

Or David Hayter.

He was also on Batman: The Animated Series as Clayface and he did great. The second Clayface episode is my favorite episode of the series.

Ah I need to rewatch the older seasons.

I thought Pete would be racist. Since he's so douchey in every other part of his life.

That was a great year. Silent Hill 2 is still a masterpiece. Melee was the best Smash Bros too.

There were also changes made on the videogame front after 9/11. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty originally had Arsenal Gear knock down the Statue of Liberty and crashing through more of New York towards the end of the game. But that was cut after the attack.