
Nah, I'd say it's more the spirit of God working through him…which is kind of what the Pope is supposed to be, Christ's representation of Himself on earth.

Ruth Polsky. Just discovered her yesterday but what an impact

As he seems to have some interesting powers, perhaps he was displaying these things as a kid and the parents couldn't handle it. As a kid, he wouldn't have had the control he has over them as an adult. I often think that's why Sister Mary made him call her Sister Mary and not Mom like she did the other kid-Mary saw it

Excellent point.

See I thought the young girl was the young girl the priest was telling Lenny about, the one who the priest thought should be considered for sainthood.

I hadn't thought of that.

Bouncing Betty!

3 thoughts:

If Trump payed those fees, I'll eat my hat

Yup, I was one of them…Think I caught them a total of three times (including driving all the way to NYC to see them open for Costello during his "I wanna be Jerry Garcia" phase. We stayed for the Mats then left) b/f I turned 20.

Watch the bio doc on them that came out. Really covers a lot about that, and Chris Bell. It was that movie that turned me on to Bell's solo record too, which is great.

The movie that came out about them was really great

Yup. Although after reading the part in the book about the recording of it, hearing the title track just made me so totally sad…

Paul even makes that point in the book, albeit talking about Bob. "We were just kids…"

Word has it Ramone was pretty deaf at that point, and that had a lot to do with how it came out

I think you're right

"As a Jamaican, I'm not impressed by the inclusion of the Wailers because Jagger has always had a vested interest in maintaining his association with Bob." That's true, good point. Though i always thought it was Keith who was connected to Bob, given his big love of reggae and forever recording down there.

David Mancuso's Loft parties were way more ethnically mixed, and way more gay.

"As much as I appreciated how the show didn’t make too big a deal about the Lennon appearance, I wish Bruce hadn’t described so explicitly that the ex-Beatle was on his Lost Weekend with May Pang. It would have been more artful and effective for viewers to figure it out on their own."

Using his crush on her to bump up her esteem yet again. She's awful