
I'd like to thank Cartoon Network for advertising these new Adventure Time episodes as We Bare Bears reruns.

I was shocked they got away with saying "my God."

Hall of Egress is most definitely number one; in the top 5 episodes of the show without a doubt. Other favorites of mine are The More You Moe, Everything Stays, Music Hole, and I Am a Sword.

Hey, your predictions came true!

"Do you know me Ike??"
"No, but I want to know you"
"… Not like that, smartass!"

I love how Pearl knows what the DMV is but has never seen a phone number in the past hundred years.

I was really hoping for Peridot to pop out of a drum at the end and say "That's all, Clods!"

It's like trying to argue that Garnet isn't a fusion.

Maybe she shattered herself and then her tears revived her gem? Eh? Eh????

I think you said it best, I found it a bit dramatically uneven. Like, I figured Rose shattering Pink Diamond would take up the rest of the portion of the episode, but after a brief moment it's glossed over. For such a big reveal, it really should've left a bigger impact than it did. Not that every episode has to be

That whole Jasper scene gave me serious "Katara wants to help Iroh but Zuko won't let her" vibes.

I don't know, same joke twice?

"Wait… If Ruby is standing there, and Ruby is standing there, and Ruby is standing there, and Ruby is standing there, and I'm standing here…. WHO'S FLYING THE SHIP???"

I can't help but feel we missed out on a "Rubies Wacky Zany Adventures on Neptune" episode.

Maybe the reason Rose has a pet Lion is because she's always

Never trust CN advertising.

One of my favorite background tracks in the series, "The Mother" (https://m.youtube.com/watch… shows up again when the centipeedle begins to revert, and I just think that's fan-freakin'-tastic.

Daddy-Daughter Card Wars thread, anybody?

I kept getting distracted throughout the episode by just how progressively uglier he's gotten

Couldn't have said it any better. Anytime I need to explain why I like Adventure Time to someone, I know what to refer them to.