
Sad to see coverage is being dropped, I always enjoyed coming here and discussing the episodes, but what a perfect one to end on. This was peak AT for me; the songs, the atmosphere, the slick animation, and the simple beauty behind it.

Hearing Roz Ryan's voice say "flapjack" again was music to my ears.

Not gonna lie, a little chunk of my heart broke off when Lapis broke Peridot's tape recorder.

The snail is hidden in every episode of the series, I don't think there was any connection to the Lich there.

Oh right! Not sure how I forgot that one.

To my knowledge, this is Kent's first solo-board. I love his takes on the characters, they all look so round and squishy.

His shirt was fly as hell too. It's about time he changed that awful groutfit.

Perfect episode for Jesse to close out on. As always, it was hilarious, atmospheric, and trippy. Also, the much underrated root sword returns! I always was sad it got the least amount of attention (though it's clearly inferior to the other swords we've seen Finn own).

I'd definitely give it another watch. It was a lot more poignant/beautiful than I remember for being as surreal and dark as it was. You can definitely tell where shows like AT and Over the Garden Wall got their roots from. Some gems I recommend are "Cammie Island", "SHUT iT", "Tee Hee Tummy Tums", and "Oh, You Animal!"

To my knowledge, there's no new episode confirmed to air next week, which seems odd seeing how there's only about seven episodes left, I was figuring they'd air all episodes till June, followed by another 5 month break.

For all the people who complained about the grass sword being ditched too soon, it's still kickin 2 seasons later. Another fantastic episode in a nearly perfect season, and it's sad to see we may be on hiatus for the next few weeks, or months.

I think I liked this one more than "Bad Jubies". While the latter was visually stunning, about half of it was spent with LSP screaming.

"I sell magic crowns and magic crown accessories."

You could make that argument with season six (which worked for the most part, imo), but Finn and Jake have been hella active in this season. The only episodes they've been absent from are this, Varmints, and Cherry Cream Soda (only Jake appeared).

Never thought Gunther would ever appear again. Missed that little scamp, and his Bobby Hill voice!

Favorite cameo so far this season was Goliad and Stormo in the mural. I'm just waiting for the day that ledge breaks and Goliad starts fucking with people again.

I do like how Monyihan always has something that ties his episodes together. Makes it seem like they're in their own little universe.

My guess is that too. Also, Finn is aging in real time. If they were to have a ninth season with a nineteen-year-old-basically-grown-man Finn, it'd be slightly off-putting.

So when the hell's Maja gonna wake up anyway??

Herpich did describe the idea of this episode as "irredeemably dark and unpleasant", and he wasn't that far off, in a good way. With Moniyhan's departure coming up, I can easily say that Herpich is my favorite current writer/storyboard artist on the show. He doesn't over-complicate things, but isn't afraid to make