
I have a radical idea. The door swings both ways, they could just make a prequel.
1 1/2hrs of a younger Venkman hitting on / electrocuting college students whilst young Spengler and Stantz get up to wacky hijinks around the campus trying to drill holes in each other's heads.
I'd call that a big yes.

Australian hicks are called 'Bogans'

He never told me how to beat Wild Gunman without using my hands

More of a Populous man myself

Having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that's the way I wanna go.

They said there would be sandwiches though

Skinner: Hahahahha! Let's go.
Chalmers: Did that boy just say "What's an Ullman?"
Skinner: No! He said "What's that Pullman?" as in the railroad sleeping car.
Chalmers: Hmm, it sounded like Ullman.
Skinner: I've had a cold, so-
Chalmers: Oh, so you hear U's as Pu's?
Skinner: Yes.
Chalmers: I understand.

Third Prize:
Two hand-drawn Matt Groening pictures!

Limited Engagement indeed!

Too soon

Would you like to ski… but you're snowed under with work?
Do you dream of a vacation at the bottom of the ocean…but you can't float the bill?
Have you always wanted to climb the mountains of Mars…but now you're over the hill?
Then come to Rekall Incorporated, where you can buy the memory of your ideal vacation - cheaper,

I will pledge $x to this. Anyone else got $xxxx to spare?

Or Dr. Katz's son?

"What's your favourite gig, pig?"

And why not?

Lest we forget Barrie's Rimmer and the immortal 'Ace' version of that character.
What a guy!

Sticking together is what good robots do

I like to imagine VINCent as a re-evolved version of Cornelius that downloaded his consciousness to a wise cracking robot

Yes, but did you allow considerations for the Einstein-Rosen bridge?

*robot sweeps up teeth*
You Bathtard!