
"Uh, this inflammatory article says that I'm supposed to bonk you with this."

"Ach, du lieber! Das ist nicht eine pussy!"

There is a perfectly cromulent reason for why this administration is so bat shit dysfunctional.

Fuck you, I'm eating.

Are Venus girls as easy as the ones on Earth?

Nonsense. His presidency shall reign over a government of the people's elbow, by the people's elbow and for the people's elbow.

Well that goes without saying.

Apart from the cannoli, struffoli, sfogliatella, zeppole, biscotti, pizzelle, pignolata, torta caprese, ciambella, ciarduna & zippuli, what have the Italians ever baked for us?

And it would be a good thing if we did that, wouldn't it?

Plus when he dies, on his death bed he will receive total consciousness.

"Government bailout!"
"Too big to fail!"

"As long as there's sex and drugs, I can do without rock and roll."

Hey, cut these guys some slack!
Decades of ingrained martyr complex in these shitheels isn't just going to wash away now when there's still plenty of manufactured 'deep state' enemies out there.

Thank you for sharing that moving anecdote, spambot.
I feel too that we are all searching for our own personal Land Rover Range Rover to try and make some sense of the tragedy from the sudden passing of Chris.

"Don't worry, Conan. I have a fool proof strategy to get you out of here: surprise witnesses, each more surprising than the last. I tell you, the judge won't know what hit him!"

If only Andrew Jackson had been able to get there in time, he could of stopped that tragedy. I mean he was tough but had a pretty big heart and he had so much experience massacring the Indians that he would have known exactly what to do.

TV's Frank?

"If you move on me like a bitch, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

"Hey everybody! We're all gonna get laid!"